Monday, January 17, 2005

Hey, Preacher, Leave Those Kids Alone

And who is yelling that? Muslim clerics in tsunami-stricken Indonesia, that's who--that according to Christianity Today's Weblog.

At issue: World Help's plans to build an orphanage in Indonesia to take care of 300 children in that majority-Muslim country. So what do we have here? Muslim clerics would rather those three hundred children fend for themselves in a washed-out land, rather than have those awful Christians--descendants of monkeys and pigs, I believe they think we are--get our proselytizing hands on those kids.

Haven't I said it before? Muslims play for keeps, as their Koran and Hadith demand. And to think that people think Christians are dangerous here in the USA. Well, at least our foundational documents don't say anything about fighting and slaying unbelievers wherever we find them! Nor take we any pride in any tradition of any organization comparable to the original Assassins, or hashish addicts, who gave a new word to the world's language through their terrorist activities.