Thursday, March 17, 2005

WorldNetDaily: Senators pledging to help Boy Scouts

In the wake of recent ACLU nastiness, a group of Senators are now pledging to clarify, as a matter of law, just what rights the Boy Scouts have to use Federal land for their activities.

WND says that this group of Senators is "bipartisan." To be scrupulously fair, this bill has one Democratic co-sponsor: Senator Bill Nelson, D-Florida. All seven other co-sponsors are Republicans, including both members of the Tennessee delegation. Full disclosure requires that yours truly reveal that he was a Boy Scout--and an Eagle Scout--in the Chickasaw Council, headquartered and centered at Memphis, TN.

This bill is long overdue, and considering that Federal lands are involved, Congress is the one to pass it. After all, the Constitution vests in Congress absolute authority over all lands which the Federal government may from time to time purchase to build a fort or magazine or other "needful building." [See Article I, Section 8, Clause 17.] That the ACLU made it necessary is a bad reflection on them--though perhaps I should expect no better of an organization whose very mission is to drive religion out of public life and, if possible, out of private consciousness.