Wednesday, March 23, 2005

WorldNetDaily: State might seize Terri

The order might come straight from the Department of Children and Families. The secretary to the Department specifically said that, though the law requires that they petition a court for permission to remove a "vulnerable adult" from an abusive or neglectful situation, they need not wait to get that permission. If they believe that she'll die if they don't act, DCF can just go in and take Terri any time they please. Furthermore, she declared that they need not review prior proceedings in any given case.

In case you haven't heard, the Eleventh Circuit has definitely refused to re-hear the Schindler's appeal. So that's it--all eyes now train on the State of Florida.

Governor Jeb Bush is at this moment hosting a press conference to pressure the Florida Senate to get their act together and--well, act. If and when they do, the Governor will not wait for any court review.

Might I suggest that if they get the opportunity to reinsert that tube, they follow it up at once with rehabilitative therapy (and forget Michael Schiavo!) to enable her to eat and drink without it. That alone will make her less vulnerable in future.