Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Star Wars saga ends with jab at Bush's empire - Film - Entertainment

Specifically, according to Agence France-Presse (who else?), attendees at the Cannes sneak preview of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith all drew parallels between the fable in the movie and the current geopolitical situation, to wit: casting Bush as the Emperor and Anakin Skywalker/Lord Darth Vader all rolled into one. The trouble is that this means that the putative enemy of the Republic is the same as the Muslims--and the Muslims really are an enemy of the rest of mankind. If not for the USA, those Europeans would tremble. Some of them already are trembling--because their neighbors were recently murdered. Remember Theo van Gogh?

That said, I do see a parallel between Sith and the situation as it will shortly develop. Instead of an emperor and a fallen warrior, I see two world leaders who will arise shortly--how shortly I can't predict exactly--to do battle with the Muslims and lay it on the line, something that George W. Bush has so far failed to do. I don't know who those two leaders are--but the Bible predicts their rise, just the same. And they will meet their doom, not at the hands of a callow youth seeking to become something he doesn't quite understand, but by Jesus Christ Himself. That will be the ultimate clash of good and evil--something the foolish people at Cannes cannot hope to understand.