Friday, May 13, 2005

WorldNetDaily: Schiavo-like woman speaks after 2� years

All right, Michael Svengali Schiavo, you and your Sweet Patootie and the corrupt judge who helped you score your "freedom." Tell me again that Terri would never have recovered. I repeat what I said last month: she had nothing wrong with her that a few sessions of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (in essence, a recompression chamber) couldn't fix. This case, and an earlier case of a fireman who began speaking after ten years, comes as close to proving it as it ever gets. Read what the doctor in this latest case says of his patient:
She is actually able to speak and to speak coherently. In light of all this stuff on Terri Schiavo ... it makes you pause and think. For three years or so, (Tracy) was fed through a tube, then she swallowed a little bit and now she speaks.
Exactly. So, shame on Jeb Bush for his lack of imagination as to the scope of his authority--and maybe for listening to too many doctors who told him it was hopeless. Shame, also, on all those commentators who were so shocked that anyone would think to intervene to put her in a recompression chamber and get her to talk. Thanks to all of you, Michael Schiavo has gotten away with murder. And on the day of the Great White Throne Trial (Revelation 20), you'll all stand in the dock right next to him.