Friday, November 05, 2004

Teach Arlen Specter a lesson in republican government!

In view of Arlen Specter's imprudent shoot-off of his mouth earlier this week, here is a site dedicated to signaling the Senate that Arlen Specter must not repeat not chair the Senate Committee on the Judiciary: Not Specter. Not now. Not ever. Nor are they the only ones. (Hat Tip: for the backgrounders.)

As I said before, ours is a republic. That means that the legislature makes the law, and the court interprets it. And in our particular republic, the President nominates, and with the sdvice and consent of the Senate appoints, judges.

Neither Arlen Specter nor soon-to-be-former Senator Tom Daschle nor any other Senator has the right to dictate to the President whom he may or may not appoint--or support a status quo that includes judges who are abusing the judicial power. If Arlen Specter has a problem with holding judges to a higher standard (or, better yet, stripping the courts of some of the jurisdictions they have wrongfully assumed over the past half century or more), then he oughtn't to so much as sit on the Judiciary Committee, much less run it. This position is far too important to leave up to "the seniority system."