Friday, December 10, 2004

Bill Moyers signing off from `Now' and TV journalism after three decades

Yes, it's true. He's gone--and good riddance. (Hat Tip: Tim Thornton over at C-POL. His link is to Scrappleface, well known for satire--but this isn't satire. It's the real deal.)

What can I say about Bill Moyers, except that he was a thoroughly unapologetic liberal, promoting a tired old line that got more tired every year. The only reason why he's leaving is that he's getting old and his health is failing. But PBS might have wanted to terminate his contract for another good reason: his ratings are worse than Dan Rather's. Indeed, most people have likely never heard of his program; they only watch PBS for the classic movie offerings and such delightful British sit-com gems as Keeping Up Appearances and As Time Goes By. Unfortunately, they're not pulling the plug on NOW, Bill Moyers' last show; they're just continuing it with another host. Sorry, but putting a new face on tired old ideas won't wash.

I do need to take issue with this quote from the article in SFGate:

"I'm going out telling the story that I think is the biggest story of our time: how the right-wing media has become a partisan propaganda arm of the Republican National Committee," says Moyers. "We have an ideological press that's interested in the election of Republicans, and a mainstream press that's interested in the bottom line. Therefore, we don't have a vigilant, independent press whose interest is the American people."
And you, sir(rah), are a liar. In fact, the MSM has always been a partisan propaganda arm of the Democratic National Committee. We have an ideological press that's interested in the election of Democrats, even at the expense of its bottom line (until outrages they can't ignore force them to act), and an alternative press that's interested in the truth. So I say: Good-bye, and good riddance, and don't let the door rebound on your derriere on the way out!