Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Iranian TV Drama Series about Israeli Government Stealing Palestinian Children's Eyes

From MEMRI. Folks, now you've seen everything. First we had the Great Blood Libel, or the accusation that Jews killed Christians and Arabs to drain their blood to make pastry or Passover matzoh. Now it's the crime that sci-fi writer Larry Niven called "organlegging"--taking transplant organs from unwilling donors. The series concept begins with the theft of children's eyes, and continues with kidnap-murder. (Larry Niven, call your lawyer. I think someone has violated your copyrights.)

The article contains partial scripts, plus links to full scripts and video clips. Even apart from the subject matter, the material is typical latter twentieth century horror fare--the sort of thing that down-on-their-luck directors used to make with actresses chosen for their looks, dubbed-in screamers, and lots of ketchup. (I just remembered: ketchup is an Arab condiment!) The dialogue is one-dimensional and wooden, and the premise, politics aside, is preposterous. The whole thing would be funny were it not so absolutely disgusting.

And to see it come from a former official of Iran's Ministry of Education makes it worse. What kind of "education" do those kids get, anyway?

And these are the people with whom liberals and "moderates" would have us negotiate? Sorry--but there's no negotiating with government officials who make such trash.