Tuesday, February 01, 2005

D. James Kennedy Sees 'Wall of Evolution' Eventually Tumbling

From Agape Press.

Specifically, Dr. Kennedy (no relation to Joseph Patrick Kennedy and his clan, or to Anthony Kennedy, Justice, SCOTUS) cites the example of Antony Flew (though he really mangles the spelling), long-time atheist, who recently concluded that he had to admit that Someone created the universe--that it didn't "just happen." In making this declaration, Dr. Flew in fact came around to the position held, toward the end of his life, by Thomas Jefferson: that you just couldn't look at our elaborate universe and fail to recognize that Someone is responsible for its inherent order. Of course, you need to remember that Jefferson was not a Christian in the proper sense, and neither is Flew. Flew, like Jefferson before him, admits that Someone--he doesn't really know Who--created the universe, but that's as far as he's willing to go.

Nevertheless, Kennedy's other point is well-taken: this key shift in secular opinion means that no Christian need compromise his faith by accepting any of the tenets of evolution. Especially when no one has ever demonstrated conclusively how a wolf turned into a dog, or how mammals "returned to the sea" as the great whales, who then challenged the sharks for dominion of the oceans. And most especially when evolution, as a theory, is as full of holes as a hunk of Swiss cheese.