Thursday, January 27, 2005

WorldNetDaily: Judgment awarded in abortion-breast cancer case

At issue: a girl, fifteen years old at the time, underwent an abortion and found out only later--no thanks to the abortion mill operators--that abortion has a link to breast cancer. The clinic, in the end, blinked rather than go to trial over the medical-literary evidence, even though the case was to be tried in ultra-liberal Multnomah County, OR.

In other abortion-related news, a Georgia legislator introduced a bill flatly prohibiting abortion in his State. His Democratic colleagues screamed that the measure was "unconstitutional" and asked, in effect, "What's the fuss?" Let me answer that: the fuss is that somebody wants Roe v. Wade overturned. Norma McCorvey, once known as "Jane Roe", has asked for a reconsideration of her case. A measure like this is bound to be a cause of action that will go up through the Eleventh Circuit and land in the mail room at the Supreme Court. Between those two filings, the Court would really have to stretch a point in order to deny certiorari. Which means that we're about to get a re-hearing of the whole notion that the federal courts can tell the States what they may or may not permit or forbid in this area.

Long overdue? Most certainly. And if you wonder whether the timing is right, remember that actions like these take years to work their way up the federal court food chain. By then, Bush is bound to make a few Supreme Court nominations. Stay tuned...