Howard Dean as DNC Chair?
Behold the factional warfare that is just as bad for the Democrats, in its own way, as their rallying around either the Clintons or the Deaniacs. The Clintons have shown little talent for anything save hypocrisy. Howard Dean is much less a hypocrite and much more brazen--and what he's brazen about is support of European-style socialism, citizen disarmament, and de-Christianization. In Revolutionary France, he'd be Citizen Marat, or perhaps Citizen Robespierre--if he had the moxie.
And look at the people with whom Dean is surrounding himself: Kerry people. That might stand the Democrats in good stead--if they'd won last time. They lost. Rush Limbaugh has noticed this before: every time you lose, your stock in the Democratic Party rises higher. That is not the way to build winners, or a winning team.
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