Monday, January 24, 2005

The Barnabas Fund Reports on the Armanious Murders

(Hat Tip:

In this article you see most of what has already come out about the murders of Hossam Armanious and his family in the week of January 12-16, 2005 in Jersey City, NJ. It doesn't mention the Jihad Watch finding that the Armanious family had reached out to local Muslims, some of whom might have lied to gain their confidence and plotted the murder. But it does mention the key inconsistency in reports about the case:

  • The Jersey City cops said that no money or jewelry was to be found anywhere in the house, and Hossam's wallet and pockets had been turned inside out, all of which, they say, points to robbery.
  • Family members who collected Hossam Armanious' papers said that the money and the jewelry were still in the house, and nothing was missing.
Sportsfans, somebody's lying. I don't like to think it's Jersey City's finest, but that's how it looks.

Now I would advise those in the Coptic community who are calling for revenge to remember what the Lord said about the province of revenge being exclusively His, and the verse about subjecting ourselves to those in authority. But when the local authorities don't want to investigate the case properly, then somebody should. Frankly I think this is now a matter for the FBI. It is also a matter for the United States Senate--though knowing the political leanings and motivations of the New Jersey delegation to the Senate, I don't look with much hope to that quarter. But I would very much like to know whether Senator Jon Corzine (D-NJ) or Frank R. Lautenberg (D-NJ) care that four of their constituents died from a terrorist murder.