Thursday, January 20, 2005

Jihad Watch: Inside information on the New Jersey murders

Hat Tip: Tim Thornton at C-POL. We now know why the Jersey City cops found no sign of forced entry: the killers were Egyptian Muslims who pretended to have converted to Christianity just long enough to gain the Armanious family's confidence so that Hossam Armanious would admit them to his house. And if they took money and valuables from the house, they did this for two reasons:
  1. To fake off the cops with a false motive.
  2. To obtain money, and something convertible into money, to support terrorism in one fashion or another--either their own operations or those of an Al-Qaeda or similar cell.
Now this still doesn't excuse those Copts who started a melee at their friends' funeral--and even if it did, that would still be a tactical error. But it might perhaps explain it: those Copts are now very much afraid that every Muslim in the neighborhood wants them all dead, and the Muslims haven't done enough to dispel that fear.

Nor, unfortunately, do the Jersey City cops inspire my confidence when first they say that nothing was missing from the house and then they say that the killers robbed their victims.