Wednesday, January 19, 2005

WorldNetDaily: Students told about intelligent design

Specifically, an assistant superintendent--after all the science teachers balked--read a one-minute statement reiterating that evolution is not a proved fact, and that students could check out a new title in the library for more information on an alternative to evolution.

Yesterday, ABC News covered the same story. If their account was all you had, you would believe the town bitterly divided, between "scientific" teachers and concerned parents on one side and "anti-scientific" pastors and religious adherents on the other. And yet, from the WorldNetDaily piece, we now learn that out of 170 students, only 15 chose to go out into the hallway when the assistant superintendent read the statement. That doesn't sound like a bitterly divided student body to me.

We know, of course, why the ACLU wants all mention of alternatives to evolution to stop (though why did they decline to press for a temporary restraining order, if they were so sure of their ground?). The ACLU is anti-religion and always has been--and Intelligent Design, the alternative theory to evolution that the Dover school kids heard about, leads inescapably to the conclusion that life did not begin by itself. Somebody had to get it started--and that Somebody must be Supernatural. Intelligent Design theorists don't explicitly say that--they don't talk about the nature of the Designer, preferring only to prove that Design must exist--but they clearly imply it, if in no other sense than that no other alternative is feasible.

You will note, of course, that I don't apologize for believing in a Designer/Creator. I know that no other explanation makes sense. If even Francis Crick, of DNA fame, couldn't bring himself to believe that the first cells assembled themselves by chance, then on what authority does anyone else make such a claim? Therefore, to deny even any mention of Intelligent Design is to stifle independent inquiry and judgment just as surely as the evolutionists accuse their opponents of doing.