Wednesday, January 26, 2005

WorldNetDaily: Swiftvet author wants Kerry's Senate seat

And Jerome Corsi, the second-named author of Unfit for Command, is going to establish residency in Massachusetts for that specific purpose.

Naturally the Democratic chairman in Massachusetts is steamed. "Carpetbagger!", yet. Hypocrite! What have you to say about Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, Democrat of New York?

Actually, Corsi is an even longer shot because, unlike Hillary, he does not go in at the invitation of the Massachusetts GOP machine--er, chapter. The Republican Parties in New England and the Mid-Atlantic will never amount to a hill of beans until the power of the RINO machines in those States is smashed. I have watched the RINO machine here in New Jersey lose election after election that was very promising, because they will not tolerate conservative candidates even when those candidates win the primaries. Bret Schundler (governor, 2001) and Doug Forrester (Senator, 2002) each lost his respective race when the RINO machine sat on its collective hands after the primaries. Christine Todd Whitman won in 1993, and turned out to be the worst administrator I have ever seen.

Blame the Todd and Whitman families for these fiascos, if you like--and if you live in New Jersey, you know what I'm talking about. But Massachusetts, what's your excuse for the spectacle of Ted Kennedy hanging on year after year, and for losing Massachusetts' other Senate seat first to Paul Tsongas and then to John Kerry? Samuel Adams and Paul Revere, not to mention the martyrs of the Boston Massacre, must be spinning in their graves.

Of all the candidates I've seen so far, Jerome Corsi would certainly be the strongest--if the Republicans had come close to carrying Massachusetts. I have to admire him, though: he's aiming at vindication by telling his side of the story directly to the people of Massachusetts, and also bearding the lion right in his den. But I hope he has his Personal Umbrella--and life--insurance policies paid up before he faces the full rage of the Kennedy machine.