Tuesday, February 01, 2005

WorldNetDaily: Kidnapped soldier actually toy figure?

You can't make this stuff up. First, an outfit calling itself "Mujahideen Brigades" releases a photograph of what looks like a US soldier, hands tied behind his back, sitting in front of a black flag with an Arabic legend, with an automatic rifle pointed at his head. AP picks it up, but also notes that the uniform bears no US insignia and no name--and what's more, the figure shows no emotion. And I can tell you right now that the pose is all wrong. They'd have him sitting on his heels, which he is not doing.

Then some bloggers start saying that the boots don't look right, and the vest is unrecognizable. Finally, someone goes out on a limb: "Hey, that looks like a soldier doll!" Or words to that effect.

Finally, another blogger posts a picture of a toy soldier--and a spokesman for the company that made the toy takes one look at the AP photo and says, "That's our doll."

Follow the link, look at the photographs, and judge for yourselves.

Haw, haw! Hey, there, you hashish eaters! Is this the best you can do? To paraphrase Jim Carrey as the title character in The Truman Show, you're going to have to kill us all.