Tuesday, February 15, 2005

WorldNetDaily: Sacramento showdown: Dueling protests planned

At issue: a couple maintaining a primary home in Berkeley, CA, and a second home in Sacramento, prepared a really sick-making display: a US soldier hanged in effigy, with a sign around the neck reading "Your Tax Dollars At Work." Later they changed the sign to read "Bush Lied; I Died." What's more, they've hung Palestinian and Iraqi flags in the windows--as you can see in the image in the linked article--although most actual Iraqis probably would not appreciate the association, no matter what anybody says over here, or over there.

So now some people are planning a candlelight vigil to show support for the troops--and the couple that prepared the display are going to come back to erect another (I shudder to think of what that will look like), and worse yet, the event organizers are expecting some gate-crashers.

It is now five minutes to 10:00 Eastern Time as I write this, which is five minutes to 7:00 in California. Stay tuned....

UPDATE: Full disclosure requires me to reveal that the "Bush lied" effigy has already been torn down--I don't know who did it. Technically, that's trespassing, and as such that's a chance I wouldn't have advised anyone to take. So if the homeowners are coming back, that can only mean that they intend to replace the effigy--and walk through a hostile crowd in order to do it. I respect courage--even foolhardiness--but it's a crying shame to see such fortitude displayed in such an unworthy cause as those homeowners have now chosen to espouse.