Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Some in U.S. voting with their feet

From the International Herald-Tribune.

Some of you, no doubt, did not take me or my sources seriously when I first reported on all those Democrat voters now deciding to emigrate from this country. This was so even though LittleGreenFootballs and the Wonkette reported on the same day on the same phenomenon--and even when I saw more news within days that people were really serious about this. And then, a month later, we heard from Charles Key, Francis Scott's great-to-the-nth grandson, and how he didn't think we were the "land of the free" anymore.

And now, as the Herald-Trib tells us, Charles Key is still planning to leave for Canada--just as soon as he can find a job up there.

Uh...excuse me? I thought Canada would gladly take care of anyone within its borders. But it turns out that if you want to get into Canada, you need to have a means of support. We could take a lesson from them in that regard.

In any event, it would appear that Kerry's original voters won't be around in four years when he demand a rematch. The only problem is that a bunch of other people, looking for an LBJ-like Great Society, are swarming in from the south. (Or are they really looking for Old Corn-pone Johnson to take care of them? Some surveys cast some doubt on that proposition.)

However, I said it before, and I'll say it again: Good riddance, and don't let the door swat you on the seat on your way out.