Wednesday, February 02, 2005

WorldNetDaily: Colorado governor wants 9-11 prof out

To make his point clear, Governor Bill Owens (R-CO) wrote a letter to the head of the CU College Republicans, who will read it at a political rally. In it, Gov. Owens said that Ward Churchill's nutty essay is "outrageous and insupportable" and also at odds with history. (Prof. Churchill has also brought out a new book called On the Justice of Roosting Chickens, which apparently has a modified Norman Mailer cover illustration with the farmer and his wife wearing gas masks.)

It gets better. Hamilton College has finally pulled the plug on Churchill's scheduled appearance there. (Too bad about the death threats they have received, which they cite as the reason for the cancellation. They would have done better never to have invited him in the first place--and I don't condone threatening anyone with death in anything other than a self-defense context. Neither the Bible nor the Constitution permit that.) And on Thursday evening (February 3, 2005), the Board of Regents have scheduled a special meeting to decide what to do about him. They can't fire him outright, not without great cause--because he has this little thing called "tenure." Behold! Yet another "tenured radical."

I suppose that the Colorado Constitution allows for a state university--though I'm always suspicious of such a thing. But personally I'd like to see the regents gather around Professor Churchill as he bats out a lesson plan on his computer while the clock ticks down to midnight. And then the Chairman would say, "It is now midnight. You're out of a job, Dr. Churchill. Colorado University has ceased to exist." (Hat Tip: Ayn Rand, who penned a similar scene in The Fountainhead).