Saturday, February 05, 2005

WorldNetDaily: Saudi official: Bin Laden sent by Jews

And just when I thought I'd seen everything, now the House of Saud says that Bin Laden is an agent provocateur recruited by the Jews.

Have I got this straight? First they paid him a remittance. Then they looked the other way when fifteen of their subjects participated in the murders of three thousand of our fellow citizens and guests of this country. They didn't even provide any logistical support for cleaning out the rats' nest in Iraq. They spew out pamphlets exhorting their readers to kill non-Muslims--things right out of Osama bin Laden's playbook (and also right out of the Koran, but I digress) and spot checks of mosques all over America discover that they are full of these. And now they say that Osama bin Laden was sent by the Jews?Again we come down to the same problem: "enemy identification."