Thursday, February 03, 2005

Second Term Redux

Yes, here's an update on that hilarious JibJab parody I commented on last month.

Well, what shall we say? Did our troops in Iraq enable Iraqis to have free elections? It sure looks that way. But did those Democrats bury any hatchets? Only in the nearest Republican back. Can you believe their behavior last night during the State of the Union address? "Boo! Hiss! No!" they cried--my wife and I heard them!--when Bush reminded them sharply that Social Security will, in 2017 or so, start taking in less money than it's paying out, and it will all pay down to nothing in 2042--at which point the older generation of the time (and that could include yours truly) will get seventy-five percent of the benefits that our counterparts of today receive. (Frankly, I don't count on getting anything out of Social Security--not one dollar, not one penny--but I digress.) I mean, you never damage the dignity of a State of the Union Address like that! Not, that is, unless you are a bitter, hate-blind partisan hack. Oh, it's great to be back in the Senate--of Rome, when Senators sometimes settled political disputes by physically ejecting one another from the curia. Clearly the Mount Krakatoa of American politics blew up last year, and the lava is still flowing.

And as for international leaders working together--with whom is Bush going to work, given that so many of those international leaders are a bunch of crooks?

Ah, well--give him points for trying.