Thursday, March 24, 2005

WorldNetDaily: Supreme Court refuses to hear Schiavo appeal

And unhappily, the vote was unanimous and given without comment. We can only speculate on the reasoning that every single Justice used, but I have this idea: none of the Justices wants to entertain the notion that, at bottom, you have a trial judge who is systematically killing a woman just to satisfy a blood lust.

Why do I suggest that? Because Judge Greer turns out to have a history of insisting on terminating a life that he does not find worth living--and never mind that those who speak the loudest about "rights to die" stand to gain materially from the deaths involved.

Sportsfans, you've heard of nurses who eased patients out of this life because of their own notions of "quality" of life. You now see a judge doing exactly the same thing. Only when a judge does it, it's perfectly legal.

Well, I wouldn't give my immortal soul to watch Judge Greer squirm before the Great White Throne Judgment [Revelation 20] to answer for his handling of this and all those other cases. But I'd probably give any amount of riches short of that.

In the meantime, Jeb Bush needs to fish, or cut bait. The law gives him certain authority to act, and he must use it now. The time for waiting for a court to sanction his acts is over.