Saturday, May 21, 2005

WorldNetDaily: Christian doctors condemn stem-cell experiments

At issue: the South Korean announcement that a research team had created a human embryo using somatic-cell nuclear transfer--one of many cloning techniques--and then destroyed the embryo and harvested its stem cells. This is exactly what the medical profession should not be doing. It violates Points Two (never bring harm upon anyone) and Four (abstain from all wrongdoing and corruption) of the Oath of Hippocrates, and also violates the spirit of Point Three (no abortion).

Sorry, guys, but an embryo, no matter how "engineered," is still a person and entitled to the respect due a person.

And today we hear of another soul passing under the altar (Revelation 6:9-10). He (or she) will receive a white robe and be told to wait a little longer...