Friday, June 17, 2005

WorldNetDaily: Autopsy suggests Schiavo cognizant

The autopsy report on Terri Schindler-Schiavo is barely out of the printer, and already people are arguing over it. A Texas attorney points out that while the occipital lobes--those governing eyesight--were wiped out, her frontal and temporal lobes were relatively intact. So she could have known about everything that was happening--could have heard and understood every harsh word that Michael Schiavo had for her--while not being able to say or do anything to stop it, or him.

Finding out that the Pinellas County ME based his report on other reports sent him by Michael Schiavo's own experts makes me question his professionalism. When you get involved in a controversial case, you want independent experts, or at the very least you review expert reports from both sides.

Recently a reader demanded that I make some definite policy prescriptions. All right, here's one: I don't recognize a "right to die." The disgusting spectacle of Michael Schiavo getting the government to do away with his wife so that he could have his Sweet Patootie points out just how bad that kind of policy is. At a minimum, adultery by a caregiving spouse ought to be automatic grounds for termination of guardianship and the reversion of guardianship to the parents, if they're still living, or to siblings. Further to that, I suggest that Michael Schiavo deliberately put his wife into the state she was in and systematically saw to it that she would not get the care she needed, and that is why half her brain withered away. I think he ought to be prosecuted, and I think that a bunch of judges, especially Judge George Greer, ought to face impeachment for high crimes and high misdemeanors from the bench.

The only satisfaction that the world might ever see from this case will come if Terri Schindler Schiavo turns out to have been saved. (Unhappily, I can repose no confidence in that--but at least I don't have to rule it out.) If she is saved, then I can imagine her standing under the altar asking the Lord how long He's going to wait to visit retribution on a few people, and the Lord giving her a toga and telling her to wait a little longer--until every other Terri Schindler-Schiavo is standing right next to her. [Revelation 6:9-10] And when everything is in place, some people are in for a real shock. [Revelation 6:11-17]