Saturday, June 11, 2005

WorldNetDaily: Taxpayer-supported 'art': Arab sodomizing Bush

What's that, you say? That's more than an insult to the President--it's also an insult to Arabs, and not one that you would expect a liberal to deliver. Trouble is, liberals don't think anymore--and that means that they don't think through the full implications of their utterances, "artistic" expressions, or policy recommendations.

Of course, taxpayers shouldn't be funding art, anyway. Patronage, when forced, is meaningless. Besides, much of what passes for "art" today is idolatrous, and the rest is what I might call anti-idolatrous--so intent on depicting the tearing-down of a thing that it becomes an idol in itself, an idol instead of what one usually means by the term "idol."

Beyond that--well, to tell the producers of such work that they ought to show better respect to the President is useless. The last time they elected a man President, he brought disrespect upon his office. Since then, they have remained convinced that they are the rightful majority--even after the vote totals in 2004 clearly proved them wrong. So they take out their frustration in puerile displays--and ask the taxpayers to fund them.

The latest bill, reported here, to defund the Public Broadcasting System cannot pass soon enough.