Tuesday, June 07, 2005

WorldNetDaily: Kerry: Dunce is not enough

And what are we talking about? Simply this: John F. Kerry refused, during the Presidential campaign of 2004, to sign Form 180, authorizing the US Navy to release his personnel records to interested media and other parties. All of us--including this blogger--assumed that he was hiding certain embarrassing facts that contradicted his war-hero image, the ones that the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth spent so much effort debunking. Well, the Swift Boat Vets are gone--even their web site is down. But the records that did come out today were, of all things, his grades at Yale. And those grades show that he was a lesser academic achiever than was Bush! Thus, in the middle of Kerry's hoity-toity trumpeting of himself as smarter than Bush, we now learn that he was anything but.

An old proverb--old enough to be part of a typical mental-health evaluation in a psychiatric observation ward, as I know from my experience as a psychiatric clinical clerk--says that people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. John F. Kerry's house turns out to be made of an even more delicate substance: Baccarat crystal.