Friday, November 05, 2004

What they really have to be sorry about

These people are sorry, all right--sorry for themselves. (Hat Tips: LittleGreenFootballs and The Power Line.) But Ill tell you all what they really have to be sorry about.

The United Negro College Fund likes to tell everybody that "a mind is a terrible thing to waste." By any reasonable standard, the people at this rogues' gallery (which presumably will get longer every day for awhile) have definitely wasted their minds. You have only to look at them, especially as you follow the gallery link and the FAQ link to see what they are about.

They are, to put it simply, seeking dhimmitude--pure and simple. The only trouble is that when you look at them, you have to ask yourself what Muslim would look upon any of them with anything but withering contempt? Then again, that's the whole idea of dhimmitude--that they "feel themselves subdued" [Surah 9:29].

The chief reason I don't advise them to pack their bags and go to live in a Muslim country is that I did not start this blog to advise anyone to commit suicide or to sell himself into slavery or worse. Let me correct that--that's my second chief reason. My real chief reason is that I pray for these people, and ask all who read this to do the same. And if you recognize your friends or relatives or neighbors in that gallery, try to witness to them if at all possible. You see, if they would just get their minds right, God will accept them just as they are--and messed up as some of them look, God has accepted worse, and will continue to do so until The End. (He accepted Saint Paul, after all, after Paul, as Saul of Tarsus, had made a career of persecuting Christ's followers.)