Wednesday, November 10, 2004

WorldNetDaily: Arab students rage at College Republicans

They're at it againat San Francisco State University, three hundred strong. This happened the day after John Kerry's concession. But this time, the campus police did some semblance of their duty: they formed a human hedge around the College Republicans' table.

More disturbing is this second-hand quote attributed to a woman demonstrator:
The only way we can defeat you is to kill as many as possible! I'd rather die a suicide bomber's death than to call myself an American!
Now usually when a woman "dies a suicide bomber's death," it's because it's either that or dishonor for her family, because she's been caught doing things that are not up to Muslim standards of womanhood. I hope Digger and Captain read these words. For a woman to make a statement like that, rather gives the lie to the notion that a Muslim who comes to America is largely very gainfully employed and not likely to have time or use for rabble-rousing movements.

Then again, I'll allow this qualifier: She's a student at the university. When you're a student in university, it seems, if you do not hate America, you have no heart. But when you get out in the world and have to scrape for a living, if you do not then realize how blessed you are to be in America, you have no brain. That's more than just my opinion. I have observed the university students, and even medical students, do not uniformly retain their liberalism or anti-Americanism after they start pulling down a salary doing real work. Medical students especially tend to lose their liberalism when they become interns and residents in big-city hospitals. (Sorry, Doctor Kildare.) And the reason I know this is that some of those politically reformed young doctors were my friends and associates when I was in medical school.

Well, it's nice to know that the College Republicans have a good rapport with the campus police. After all, Romans 13 requires us to cooperate with the authorities--something the Koran does not require, just so you know.