Friday, December 03, 2004

Schools barred from telling parents of abortion

WorldNetDaily: Or AIDS treatment, or psychological or psychiatric consultation, or any of it. (Hat Tip: WorldNetDaily.) That's right, parents--when you send your kids to public schools in California, those kids can get all kinds of medical treatment and not only can you not stop them--you can't even find out where they've been!

I never heard of such a thing. When I was in school, the parents always had to be told of anything medical that went on with a child.

The article goes into a great deal of controversy as to whether this opinion of the California Attorney General will "stick." Well, whether or not it sticks this time says nothing about whether it will eventually stick, if certain people have their way.

The real issue involves a number of statutes in California law that say that minors can get certain kinds of medical treatment without going through the parents. The rationale for this, which comes from the AG's staff, is that sometimes the medical treatments are required to treat the kind of abuse of which a parent himself might be guilty. Huh?? Isn't the school already expected to report a circumstance suspicious for child abuse to appropriate authorities? That's what Child Protective Services, or whatever else it's called, is for. (Whether CPS is exceeding its mission is yet another debate, however.) Now the AG has effectively ordered the school to interfere in the parent/child relationship in a manner short of calling CPS or the police to report child abuse--in other words, when they know perfectly well that no such abuse is at issue.

Remember what I said about the Baby Gap? (And BTW, Investor's Business Daily printed a quite telling bar graph of all the States, ranked in order of white fertility rate, with red and blue bars and labels showing the percent of the vote for Bush in each State.) Remember what I said about what the liberals are doing about it? Here's more proof! They're doing the only thing they can do: they know that your kids will destroy everything they've built because they aren't having any kids. So now they want to mess with your kids' heads, and drive a wedge between you and them. You have one, and only one, sure recourse: get your kids out of the public school system. James Dobson told California parents just that two years ago. State AG opinions like this are only the beginning. Pretty soon every school district in the country will have confidentiality policies just like this--and don't count on your local PTA, either, because soon it will become more of a teacher association and less of a parent association. Motive, opportunity, means--the blue statists have them all, and they're using them.

UPDATE: The Hat Tip of the Day goes to Kate Robinson, who sends this:
This is true and terrifying. You should read David Limbaugh's Persecution: How Liberals are Waging War Against Christianity, which documents in horrifying detail (among other things) the lengths public schools will go to in order to prevent children from learning any moral values that might possibly be related to Christianity. This includes advocating "Safe Sex" education and opposing "abstinence" education, handing out condoms and giving teenage girls abortions without their parents knowledge.

A friend of mine agreed they should be able to do this, since "not all girls can talk to their parents about that." I'd be interested to see if he feels the same a few years down the road when it's HIS 15-year-old daughter on the abortion table ...

And so would I. Of course, this shows how seriously out-of-whack parent-child relations (and especially father-daughter relations) are these days. Not all girls can talk to their parents??? Excuse me, whoever you are, but what are parents for? Parents aren't potted plants, you know (with apologizes to Oliver L. North's attorney at the Iran-Contra hearings). The Bible gives very strict instructions to parents and children about how the parent-child relationship is supposed to play out. Check the fifth chapter of Ephesians for the most detailed explanation.

I recently discussed the subject of public education with my uncle, who reminded me sharply that his wife taught in the public schools for years, and almost took my pronouncements as an insult against his wife and her sister. To be fair, they are both long retired from teaching, and when they were teaching, they didn't promulgate any of this garbage--nor, apparently, did they ever hear a word about it. Definitely, not all teachers are alike, and many of them just want to teach and are not interested in messing with kids' heads. Unfortunately, a new class of faculty and administrators has taken over most of the public schools in this country--aided and abetted, I might add, by the ACLU and other organizations, some of which I do not dare mention here without issuing a parental content advisory. This new class does want to mess with your kids' heads--and I've been in their classrooms, have seen their class projects, and have read the testimonials by recent public-school alumni.

Like the Shakers of old, liberals aren't producing kids in the numbers that conservatives are producing--and therefore must recruit new members. Any school where they can get a job is their recruiting ground. (And unlike the Shakers, if they tried to make a piece of furniture, you could probably put your hand right through it--no substance.)