In the beginning . . . Adam walked with dinosaurs
And now Ken Ham is building a museum in Petersburg, Kentucky, that will show all his organization's research in one place. That ought to be a stunning place to go.
Predictably, the Telegraph gets in some inflammatory digs at the soon-to-open museum, like the one about "exhibits...blaming homosexuals for AIDS." (In fact, anyone who bothers to search the AiG website for the words "homosexual" and "AIDS" will find fifteen articles each having both words, some of them pointing out that homosexuals put themselves at greater risk for AIDS and other sexually-transmitted disease. But nowhere will you find an accusation that homosexual behavior created the virus responsible for AIDS. Nor would you find any such thing, because God alone has Creative power, and Ken Ham and his staff never deviate from that basic principle.)
Will that museum be worth visiting? Time alone will tell. But right now you can visit the site that its builders have had up for many years, and see for yourself the evidence that they have assembled.
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