Monday, January 03, 2005

My last lecture

No, your Caretaker isn't retiring. Rather, this is a hypothetical "last lecture" that a conservative professor hopes he might be able to deliver on May 2, 2023, if the various State universities were to abolish tenure on their campuses. This article appears in Town Hall. (Hat Tip: Tim Thornton over at C-Pol.)

I'm not sure that tenure is the only reason why liberal professors still command the universities--though without that tenure weapon, keeping conservatives out would become far more difficult for various department chairmen to manage. But the real problem has always been the whole concept of the university as a "universal think tank." After awhile, professors think they really are smarter than the rest of society, and they act like it.

Then again, every prophet from Daniel to John the Revelator--not to mention Jesus Christ Himself--has predicted that people would dismiss the Truth in favor of the received conventional "wisdom" from the intelligentsia. We might not ever see the demise of the "tenured radical" system between now and the Tribulation and the Final War. But after that, we'll see changes in the university system that none of us can imagine.