Wednesday, March 30, 2005

WorldNetDaily: Jesse Jackson hammered for Terri visit

The man doing the hammering is The Rev. Jesse L. Peterson, head of Brotherhood Organization for a New Destiny (BOND). Says "the other Jesse":
Jesse Jackson visited and prayed with the parents of Terri Schiavo yesterday in Florida and urged that her feeding tube be reconnected," Peterson said in a statement. "For Jackson to insert himself in this case in the final hours of Terri's life is the height of desperation. He is using this case to get himself back in the news, just as he has done in the Michael Jackson molestation case. Jesse Jackson is an opportunist and has no interest in helping Terri. He is exploiting her plight to push the liberal Democrat's agenda for socialized health care...Until Jesse Jackson repents for condoning the culture of death and the killing of millions of black babies in the black women's womb he cannot be trusted.
Well, I admit that I didn't think about the socialized-medicine angle. But the reason I didn't is that the expense--to anyone--of Terri's care is not at issue. The parents are willing to assume full financial responsiblity for Terri's care--to say nothing of private foundations that have offered endowments, remittances (money to pay Michael Schiavo to get lost), and so on. Thus, "socialized medicine" has nothing to do with it, and until Jesse Jackson makes any statements along that line, in connection with this case, I won't assume that he's making any such plugs. The Rev. Mr. Peterson would have served himself much better simply to take Jackson at his word and perhaps ask Jackson whether he was now willing to rethink some of his past positions--and political affiliations. Which is what I'm asking Mr. Jackson right now.