Monday, May 23, 2005

WorldNetDaily: Are illegals making U.S. a leper colony?

All right, all right, maybe that's an exaggeration. What they mean is that a lot of the illegal aliens coming into this country turn out to have some troublesome contagions. One of these is Mycobacterium leprae, known to any serious student of the Bible as "leprosy," and until recently known to the super-sensitivity crowd as Hansen's Disease, after the discoverer of the infectious agent involved.

Fortunately, Hansen's Disease, or leprosy, or whatever you want to call it, is easily treatable--much more easily treatable than when Jesus could turn a life around just by saying, "Such is My Will; be thou clean."

Unfortunately, Hansen's Disease isn't the only thing we have to worry about. The other disease that illegal aliens are spreading in this country is tuberculosis, caused by the close relative of the Hansen agent, called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. While Hansen's is easily treatable, TB is not--and it gets harder to treat every year.

Even apart from the terrorism or job-displacement angle, this is the most important reason why a country needs to secure its borders--and why sometimes a government, or an ad hoc alliance, needs to curtail people's freedom of movement.