Wednesday, May 25, 2005

WorldNetDaily: Kerry signs release of Navy records

But according to Boston Globe columnist Joan Vennochi, even that isn't the end of the story--because she asked Kerry's communications director when the medical records would be forthcoming and did not get a single straight answer. Says she in reply:
The devil is usually in the details...With Kerry, it's also in the dodges and digressions...Kerry drifted over to join the conversation, immediately raising the confusion level. He did not answer the question of when he signed the form or when the entire record will be made public.
So did he sign the Form 180, or didn't he? I don't know enough about the procedures of the Navy Bureau of Personnel (or whatever it's called, or whatever office in the Navy you file Form 180 with) to know whether Kerry's blowing more smoke, or whether he's at all serious. Maybe some of you out there, who know the Navy better than I do, can give the rest of us a heads-up.