Saturday, November 06, 2004

Palpable Hypocrisy--and a Cautionary Tale

The American Spectator reveals the incredible hypocrisy of the Democratic Party and its leaders, who now dare assert that their candidate lost because he did not talk about God enough.

Talk is cheap, of course--and Jesus Himself and His Apostles said that again and again. As George Neumayr lucidly demonstrates, the American people will never believe that a Democrat fears God the way they do, so long as their actions belie that fear.

But I must also urge caution. The last time people went to church "just because it was the thing to do," we wound up with a lukewarm church [cf. Revelation 3:15-22] that rotted from within, leading to the sorry state that we see today. This is not to say that new members aren't welcome on any terms. It is to say that if they're gonna stay, they've gotta play--and we play for keeps. God isn't a Fairy-tale Hero out of a nice comfortable Story That everyone agrees to believe in, though they're not even sure it's True. God is as Real as this blog, as Real as the screen whereon you are reading this--and God has His Own Agenda, and our agenda must be His Agenda. We all need to realize That, and act accordingly. And we definitely are not going to fall for any cheap confidence tricks!