Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Yet Another Anti-Specter Site

The worthies at Not Specter just got some company on the Web in their efforts to defeat Arlen Specter. This includes Arlen Specter's own words, and links to recent articles and columns--including a devastating column by Thomas Sowell and a real tell-it-like-it-is column from Robert Novak. The real business of the page, however, is simplicity itself--a petition to Senator Bill Frist, the current floor leader, not to allow Senator Specter to take the chairmanship at Judiciary.

Chuck Muth put out a special newsletter suggesting that Arlen will probably cut a deal, perhaps involving a change in the rules of the Senate to provide automatic cloture on any judicial nomination beyond a certain point. I don't pretend to understand the rules of the United States Senate or how the Senate may change them. I am primarily interested in one all-important result: to change the make-up of the national judiciary so that the Constitution can get back to first principles.