Friday, January 07, 2005

ACLU backs off challenge to intelligent design

(From WorldNetDaily)

Usually, when the ACLU starts a case, they never back down. So why, after challenging a school's one-minute disclaimer on evolution, did they suddenly not seek the temporary restraining order that you would expect them to seek as the case went forward?

I'm not a lawyer, though I've been in court a number of times. But when I see a plaintiff decide not to seek the TRO in a case in which they are after a permanent injunction, I start to think that maybe they know they'll never get the TRO and probably won't get the injunction, either. Normally a court issues a TRO when a plaintiff makes what lawyers call "a reasonable showing" that it will win its case, and that the defendant, without judicial restraint, will cause the plaintiff some kind of irreparable harm. Well, the ACLU must have concluded either that they couldn't show that they'd likely win, or they couldn't show that the school was hurting its pupils any by what it was doing. (Understand this as you read the article: the school will still teach, and test on, the theory of evolution--but will also inform its students on where to get a different take on the theory.)

Intelligent design is not the same as creationism. All that intelligent design says is that when you look at the evidence--when you look at the basic units of life--you realize that the odds against those basic units coming together by sheer chance are billions to one. By definition, that cannot be a matter of pure chance, no matter how much time you allow. Therefore, life had a Designer.

Intelligent design does not attempt to identify the Designer. That is a job for historians. As it happens, the God of the Bible, and especially His Son Jesus Christ, have more historical warrants for their existence than any other Personages in all of history. Intelligent-design theory simply follows the Law of Averages and observes that biological evolution violates it. But we all know Whom the Designer must be--and that's why the ACLU stands against the ID movement. They're standing against the Designer.

Some day, they'll have a reckoning. When that reckoning will come, only the Father knows. But whether they'll get a mini-reckoning in this or some other court case, only time will tell.