Wednesday, April 20, 2005

The Hill: Soros says be patient

Specifically, George Soros was speaking to a gathering of liberal moneymen, saying that they should have patience and settle in for a long wait for results from a network of liberal think-tanks.

If the sketchy details of that meeting are any indicator, Soros has got a long wait ahead of him.

To begin with, "liberal think-tank" seems to be a contradiction in terms. If that sounds harsh, just remember that the grandest experiment in liberal political theory occupied most of the twentieth century, and failed miserably. That experiment was called "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics" and "German Democratic Republic" and a host of other names, most of which are now consigned to the Dempster Dumpmaster of history.

Worse for them, liberals these days haven't been thinking at all. They've been emoting. And the primary emotion I've seen from liberals is unreasoning, unrestrained, unchanneled anger and hate. With the result that they have accomplished less in four years than Republicans accomplished in six, beginning in 1995 when they took over the Congress.

But the most damning indictment of George Soros' latest experiment was that, for all the talk at this meeting about "funding transparency," not one of the meeting organizers was willing to release a list of attendees. Even a quasi-establishment organ like The Hill couldn't find out much more than I have written here--because nobody was talking. And people think that the Yale senior society called Skull and Bones is a conpiratorial apparatus!

Dream on, George Soros. Buy yourself another $23 million tee-shirt, why don't you. And see what the rest of us care.