Wednesday, April 06, 2005

WorldNetDaily: Minutemen catch 141 illegals so far

Not bad after two days of operation. Oh, they had some minor dust-up when they tripped some Border Patrol sensors by accident--or did they? I begin to suspect that that report, carried solely in the mainstream press, is more spin--from the media themselves or possibly from someone in Immigraiton Control and Enforcement who now has a lot of eggs Benedict on his face.

Here is more of what is really going on:

  1. The Minutemen have gained a reputation for acting like--well, like a "well-regulated militia."
  2. A city councilman in Santa Fe, New Mexico likes those guys so much that he wants to get something started on that stretch of the border near his town. He even said that when people come into the Minuteman Project and bring their guns, he considers that an eminently sensible thing to do!
  3. Illegal crossings of the Minutemen's stretch of the border are already declining. Smugglers have told Mexican news organs that they have to curtail or cease their operations so long as the Minutemen are present.
  4. Representative Tom Tancredo (R-CO) is pointing out the obvious: when the Border Patrol sent 500 more agents to the Minutemen's area of operations, that was no accident. The trouble is that those 500 agents came from other lengths of the border.
So what happens now? I suggest that citizens all along the border should join the Minutemen and organize similar militias where they are. The Minutemen have an excellent model for citizen border patrols, with rules of engagement that, so far, have succeeded in curtailing border crossings with no one getting hurt. Citizen militias do work--and those Minutemen just might thwart another Al-Qaeda strike, though they will probably never know it.