Tuesday, April 12, 2005

WorldNetDaily: Justices to be booted in Massachusetts?

Massachusetts' constitution turns out to have much better protections against runaway judges and Justices. In Massachusetts, a ruling like Marbury v. Madison would never have stood--because under Massachusetts' constitution (actually the oldest written constitution now in force and effect), justices don't nullify existing laws, and furthermore, all laws stay in effect until the legislature repeals them, regardless of what any judge says or thinks! The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court violated all these provisions when they ordered the legislature to draft a body of law permitting man to marry man, and woman to marry woman, in Massachusetts.

So what are people going to do about it? Remove the four offending Justices of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, on impeachment for and conviction of pouring contempt on Massachusetts' constitution, that's what.

It couldn't happen a moment too soon, or to a nicer bunch of guys and gals--especially Massachusetts' CJ, who, desirous as she was to "marry" another woman, ought to have recused herself from that ridiculous case anyway.

And maybe the Florida legislature, not to mention the United States Congress, can take the hint!