WorldNetDaily: Sheehan: Other moms of slain 'brainwashed'
starting to lose a little compassion for them. I know they have been as brainwashed as the rest of America, but they know the pain and heartache and they should not wish it on another. However, I still feel their pain so acutely and pray for these 'continue the murder and mayhem' moms to see the light.Nice, Cindy. I am a part of that "rest of America." So you have just insulted me. But this doesn't surprise me at all. Tell me this: had you been around during Operation Overlord, I wonder whether we would be speaking German today? Or Japanese?
Evidently, other people were as outraged as am I. But the Kos must have scrubbed their site after WorldNetDaily caught their comments. I found Sheehan's original comment on the Kos, but not any of the comments that WND quoted. Now anyone running any kind of web site or other publication has the absolute right to decide what goes on it, and what doesn't. But the Kos cannot claim to be the voice of the people if they censor the comments of those who disagree. Long-time readers of this blog will recall that someone called me a crazy man and even threatened me with death after I stood up for Terri Schindler Schiavo. While I said that if I got another such threatening comment I would call the FBI, I did not scrub the comment. If someone wants to make a jackass of himself (or jenny-ass of herself, as the case may be) in a comment on anything I've said, they're welcome to do it, so long as their messages aren't obscene, or their continued presence might compromise national security in some way. So how about it, Kos? As one blogger to another: what are you hiding, and do you really think that, in the age of unlimited eidetic Internet alternative media memory, you could get away with such hiding?
And as for you, Cindy Sheehan--your continued objections to the protection of the security of the rest of us has been duly noted and logged. As a radioman would say, "Out!"