BreakPoint | A Peculiar People
What, then, sets them apart from conventional conservatives? Simply this: conventional conservatives seek to maximize economic efficiency. With that comes an emphasis on mass production, and a distaste for regulation of large businesses.
In contrast, a "crunchy con" will insist on doing things himself that he would otherwise hire someone else to do. Or rather: he will assign such tasks as household chores that the whole family will do. These include many things that we outsource today but used to do as chores--things like mowing the lawn, raking leaves, and preparing meals in the home rather than buying prepackaged civilian-style MRE rations (which is a fancy way of saying that today's Army eats TV dinners), or--the cardinal sin--eating out.
Colson locks in on two features of this new movement. One, they tend to home-school. Two, most of them are Christians--and my kind of Christians, from what I can tell.
By far the best look at "crunchy cons" is this new blog on National Review Online.
So tear open a bag of trail mix and knock yourself out.
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