Saturday, November 06, 2004

Convicted Out Of His Own Mouth!

In case you had any doubt that Arlen Specter is not a conservative, this letter should convince you. It's a fund-raising letter that he sent out during his ill-fated campaign for the Republican Presidential nomination in 1996. (Hat Tip: StopSpecterNow.)
Here is an excerpt:
...I want government out of our pockets and out of our bedrooms.

I resent people like Pat Robertson, Ralph Reed and Pat Buchanan trying to give litmus tests to determine who can be a Republican candidate.

I felt strongly that it was time for someone to stand up to these extremists and return our Party to its traditional conservative principles: limited government, lower taxes, less spending, reduced regulation of business, free trade, strong crime control, civil rights, and a strong national defense.

All right, Senator Specter, stop twisting things around. "Limited government" is not the same thing as "rational anarchism." Romans 13:1-7 clearly states that government has some mission. That mission must be to protect life, liberty and property. And "civil rights"? What about unborn children? What about their rights?

Furthermore, "extremism" is a relative term, and always has been. The literal meaning (from the Latin extra on the outside and remis an oar) suggests a rower in the outrigger row, furthest to the outside, aboard an ancient galley. Well, fine--somebody has to be there, just as somebody has to take the outlying position in politics. What matters is whether that position is in accord with the Bible or not. So if he wants to call me or any other of his opponents "extremists," then that term neither offends nor persuades me.

Senator Spector repeats the old line about "a woman's right to choose." Well, sure a woman has the right to choose--either to have sexual relations with a near-total stranger, or not. (In the case of forcible or statutory rape, the proper remedy is to compel the offender to compensate the woman for the inconvenience of childbirth and to pay the various fees attendant on adoption, if such be the woman's choice. It is not to kill the baby.) And if he wants to talk about "stridor" in the abortion debate, then let's see him criticize the kind of "stridor" I hear all the time from those who shout that the baby is "just a bunch of cells."

I repeat: Arlen Specter is not fit to serve on the Senate Committee on the Judiciary. Follow the link to Not Specter and join the grassroots campaign.