Saturday, November 06, 2004

Why John Kerry Lost

No doubt many will wonder why John Kerry lost this election, as opposed to why George W. Bush won it. Well, I'll tell you. He and all his supporters all had problems with the truth. Cary Grant had an excellent line in the motion picture Charade. Someone asks him why people tell lies, and he answers, "Usually because they want something, and they're afraid that the truth won't get it for them." And that about sums up their problem.

So when Dan Rather brought out those ridiculous, super-crude forgeries, that did it. Or maybe it was when Osama bin Laden actually promised dhimmitude to the states that Kerry carried, and swore blood vengeance on the states that Bush carried. Mark Halperin and Peter Jennings at ABC, Mark Shields and Bill Moyers at PBS, Michael Moore, Oscar Cheat Extraordinaire, and Whoopi Goldberg with her utterly unprintable and unrepeatable riff--you name the person, and that person all by himself or herself would have done him in. Together, they were a disaster.

But the worst disaster is Kerry himself. He didn't even bother campaigning on his twenty-year record in the Senate--a record that is a big fat zero. Instead he campaigned on a four-month tour of duty in Vietnam, during which he violated every regulation in the book, falsified after-action reports, repeatedly put his boat and crew and other crews in jeopardy--and the only reason the Navy didn't question his three Purple Hearts is that the theater commander wanted him out of Vietnam ASAP. And then what does he do, but tell a tissue of lies to the Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Relations?

Here's a man who was not fit to enter the Senate! And the only reason why he got anywhere near the Presidency is that the MSM gave him fifteen points. But it wasn't enough.

That brings us to the real honor roll that I delight to honor now:

The Power Line, and its members Hindrocket, The Big Trunk, and Deacon. (It seems that Paul Mirengoff, aka Deacon, has had his site inactivated. Too bad.)

Scott Johnson at Little Green Footballs.

And, of course, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity.