Arabs Divided on Who Won the Hizballah-Israeli War
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A conservative fundamentalist Christian's take on the latest happenings in the world, our government, the church, and the culture.
We've heard this before, of course--including a suggestion that the liberals' real problem is that they aborted their kids, while conservatives raised theirs.
And we also know that at least some liberals understand this. That's why they would like nothing better than to shut down all private schools and make homeschooling tantamount to truancy. They want to mess with our kids' heads, because they don't have enough of their own kids to ensure their continued electoral success. Things might be close now, but in ten years...!
But Prof. Brooks' analysis is incomplete. Conservative Americans aren't the only ones having lots of kids. So are illegal immigrant Latins--and Muslims. So I repeat what I said earlier: that in a generation, we're going to be in a shooting war against those seeking to revive the ancient Aztec Empire and the medieval Baghdad Caliphate.
Of course, if the Boulder police hadn't been so obsessed with their percentages--which told them that the parents did it--then they could have caught this guy long ago. Now that they've hounded Patsy Ramsey to death, where does the family go to get an apology?
UPDATE: Sean Hannity thinks that John Mark Karr's confession smells phony. Sadly (for the family), I do, too. His tale is simply incredible. If he didn't do this deed (as seems likely), then he is either typical of those who like to take credit for crimes they never committed and indeed could never have committed, or else he was just trying to get out of Thailand (where he's in enough trouble already) and set in motion an extradition proceeding in order to do it.
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I could have told them that, of course. Abortion means killing, and kids know it. And at that age, their consciences are not so seared. Not yet, anyway.
Even after considering the cost of education, a typical child in the U.S. consumes 28 percent less than the typical working-age adult, while elders consumer 27 percent more, mostly in health-related expenses...How do we order and feed such a top-heavy, resource-consuming society of elders—a demographic of which most who read this article are a part? Who will produce the goods needed to keep the nation's engines and industries running? When our self-reliance wears out, when our self-authenticated minds and our spiritually unfettered and independent souls grow dim with age, who will feed and sustain us? Who will wheel us into surgery, deliver our packages, grow our food, research and formulate the medications that enable us to live longer and better? In an overburdened medical system, who will decide whether or not our lives still have value when our medical costs outweigh our economic worth? In all of this, we will depend on the actions and judgments of other peoples' children.Happily, according to this, those "other people's children" will be there. I see just one problem, though: if the Lord tarries, the children of those large families (that seem to be coming back) will find themselves fighting a shooting war with the children of all those wailing abbaya-clad women we see on Al-Jazeera TV.