WorldNetDaily: Hamas asking Israel for help
My advice to Israel: Give that the contempt it deserves.
A conservative fundamentalist Christian's take on the latest happenings in the world, our government, the church, and the culture.
My advice to Israel: Give that the contempt it deserves.
Where've they been? I've been telling people to stay away from Citgo ever since I found out its association. It'called "trading with the enemy," sportsfans. That has to stop.
As expected, Brokeback Mountain, the movie about the homosexual cowboys, won a nomination for Best Picture, Best Actor and Supporting Actor (for the two gay 'pokes), Best Supporting Actress, Best Director, Best Adapted Screenplay (for the two-writer team), and one other Oscar, probably in a technical category, that the article did not mention.
This while The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe was blessed to get an Oscar nomination for Best Visual Effects.
Ted Baehr has already said that the Golden Globes become less relevant with every passing awards season. I expect him to say that about the Oscars, too. Time was when the movies garnering the most Academy Award wins and nominations were also the most successful at the box office. Not anymore!
Those guys at Hollywood are idiots--and I use that word in its origina, ancient meaning of "one in a world of his own" (from the ancient Greek idios, idie, idion meaning one's own).
But that designation is misleading--because Mr. Justice Clarence Thomas achieved confirmation with fifty-one votes, a bare majority. So "most partisan" doesn't mean "closest."
Furthermore, Alito won without the cooperation of "Missing Link" Chafee of Rhode Island--something he might want to remember as he starts raising funds to beat back a primary challenge.
Would they try to imitate Allah? I don't think so.
I, along with several others, await AOL's response.
This was a test of the Deal of the Gang of Fourteen, of which Senators Nelson and Byrd are members. As far as I know, none of the seven Democratic members of the Gang broke ranks. (I'll have updates later.)
In the post mortem department, you might want to consider this article from Jerry Zeifman, a Democrat himself and a former Chief Counsel to the House Judiciary Committee. He says that Senator Kennedy has behaved disgracefully, hypocritically, and selfishly--in the most negative possible sense of that word. Zeifman goes so far as to trace Kennedy's current acts clear back to the sad death of Mary Jo Kopechne in his automobile on Chappaquiddick Island in 1969. He pandered to feminists so that they would overlook his leaving a woman to die. Sadly, it has worked--for him. Whether it has worked out so well for the other parties to his understandings is debatable. It has definitely not worked for the country or the State he is supposed to serve.
I pray that conservatives everywhere will settle Ted Kennedy's hash someday. In the meantime, go for the goal, Sam! One more hurdle to go. Please don't stumble now.
She might not be a lawyer anymore, but she might as well be--my lawyer. Whenever any of those in-a-world-of-their-own Senators babbles about how they are protecting my rights, and presume to ask the President--and by extension, me, who voted for him--what Benjamin Franklin would say, I want to remind them that they wouldn't know Benjamin Franklin if he rubbed his feet on the carpet and gave them a handshake and a shock. If they did, old Doctor Franklin would ask them why they thought the original Foreign Office was called the Committee on Secret Correspondence. And he would tell them that they were the same prize collection of blabbermouths with whom he lost patience when he was Minister to France! And maybe John Adams would explain to them why he violated the instructions of the Second Continental Congress when he saw France and Spain double-dealing behind his back with the British after Washington's victory at Yorktown. He did this for two reasons:
Instead, I'll just ask a personal favor of those fine, upstanding Senators and congressmen. With all due respect to your rank, stop acting like asses, even if an ass is your mascot!
POSTSCRIPT: Here's a detailed treatment of what Benjamin Franklin really said, and how he would really regard all this pontificating.
But I have this against Obama. He says:
We need to recognize, because Judge Alito will be confirmed, that, if we're going to oppose a nominee that we've got to persuade the American people that, in fact, their values are at stake.Wrong, Obama. You already have persuaded the rest of us that our values are at stake. Your trouble is that your values are not our values, and you can't even see that.
Part of the confusion about Jack Abramoff's activities is that the man had two different modi operandi for buying favors from Republicans or Democrats. If it was a Republican, Abramoff wrote a check payable to that Republican's campaign fund. But if it was a Democrat, Abramoff would launder the money by first writing a check to one of his clients and then telling the client to write a check for the same amount of money to that person's campaign fund. Why the difference? You'd have to ask him. My guess is that he didn't want Republicans seeing him write checks to Democrats.
And that's how he paid off Harry Reid to intercede for one of his clients: by paying the client and telling the client to pay Reid. Somebody needs to remind Howard Dean of the proverb-comprehension test that doctors routinely give to patients suspected of not being entirely with it. One such tested proverb says, "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones."
While I'm on the subject: about those pictures with Abramoff and the President? He got the picture by paying an amount of money that entitled him to stand in a receiving line with the President and have his photo shot when he got to the President. So as far as the President could know, Jack Abramoff was just another ten-thousand-dollar face-in-the-crowd. That hardly rises to the level of a Lincoln Bedroom overnight guest. Add to it that every such picture has come from Abramoff, who evidently is trying to peddle them for whatever royalty he can wring out of somebody.
Now let's consider sources. One of them is George Soros, who tried twice to influence American elections without success, and who once manipulated another country's currency to serve some twisted power-tripping end of his. Is this just more of the same from him? Probably.
But am I complacent about the price of oil? No. I'd like to see the development of some real alternatives--not so much sun and wind power, that are effective only locally, but nuclear power and widespread use of fuel cells. If we could just get some projections from more credible sources, then news like this might be the needed spur for such development.
Sada has also said--and he said it on Sean Hannity's radio program--that he repeatedly dissuaded Saddam Hussein from embarking on some really crazy plots--like using chemical weapons against Israel. Basically, the general asked Saddam if he wanted to get nuked--which Sada said would happen if Saddam pulled a stunt like that, and I say the general is correct. The trouble is that Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, and others like him, are even crazier than Saddam Hussein in his least lucid moments. And they might be in possession of even more such munitions than what the Jordanians were able to seize.
War might come sooner than any of us thinks.
The thirty-odd Mexican nationals apparently were wearing poor imitations of Federale uniforms. But they had military equipment. Congress has now scheduled hearings--or so the Hudspeth County Sheriff understands.
The Mexicans now say that the uniforms and equipment that Sheriff Arvin West and his deputies saw that day could have been stolen. But earlier this week they were saying that American GI's were involved. Talk about not being able to keep your story straight. Vi-cennn-taaayyy! You've got some 'splainin' to do!
But what I want to know is: Where is the Texas State Guard? If any need ever arose for this force, which is separate and apart from the Texas National Guard forces and is fully authorized under 32 USC 1:109(c), then surely this is it. The next time any such armed force comes two hundred yards inside our border--why, take them prisoner! The Texas State Guard can act on the word of the Governor of Texas, and not even the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff can interfere.
But the most likely outcome is that global war, and the rise-to-power of the Beast of Revelation, just got a little closer.
When a group of thirty-odd men dressed in Federale uniforms stood off against a Texas sheriff and US Border Patrolmen, the White House, we now learn, did what any reasonable head-of-state would do: sent our ambassador to Mexico's foreign office to complain. Mexico's response is to suggest that American citizens have been running drugs across the Mexican border, that those were Americans (and perhaps even American GI's!) wearing those Federale uniforms, and that the Texas sheriff who provided descriptions of what he had seen was exhibiting racial discrimination!
Why do some people always cry "racial discrimination" whenever someone turns in a description of a criminal suspect, and that description would never fit a white Anglo-Saxon Protestant? But more to the point: what kind of neighbors are these Mexicans when they invent such a ridiculous cover story for an embarrassing incident? The drug-runner cover was flimsy enough, but at least it was still plausible--had they pledged to investigate fully who was wearing Federale uniforms when they were not Federales. But when they say they are American GI's, that makes me think that those thirty-odd men were indeed Federale regulars. Even my third theory--renegades in the pay of drug runners--is less likely because of the insulting thing that the Mexicans have now said.
If I were the President, I would be seeking a declaration of war right about now.
And this ought to scare the demons out of the liberal educational establishment: the younger the respondents, the more likely they were to choose an alternative to evolution, specifically intelligent design.
This is an example of why the public schools are no longer a fit place for a Christian to have his children educated. The message, of course, is that "gay is good." The pressure can only be to encourage students to become homosexual, or else be branded as intolerant of new ways of thinking. "Be willing to try something new before you decide that you do not like it" is a common schoolteacher maxim. That poster is now encouraging students to try something they ought not touch with a seven-cubit pole.
Interestingly, even one teacher who says he agrees with the message prefers not to hang the poster in his classroom. The reason: it "could be political." Could be? Is.
Pagans or publicans, sportsfans. Separate, separate, separate.
Sean Hannity has always said that the weapons of mass destruction were in Syria. Now we have a very plausible story of how they got there. It is a story we dare not ignore--because now it means that Syria has an arsenal of chemical and biological (but perhaps not nuclear) weapons.
How long shall we wait, then, for Ezekiel's War to break out?
The overall goals of organizations like Presbyterians Pro-Life are laudable: they seek to restore proper respect for Scripture and a proper appreciation for the Christian's place and role in the social order.
But the way they're going about it will not solve the problem. A far better response would be to leave these backsliding churches. Paul the Apostle specifically exhorted his readers to separate from worldly practices--and if a church won't do that, then--as Jesus would no doubt advise--let those churches be to you as a social club or a tax office.
Rights, they say. In fact, to paraphrase Gregory Peck in Twelve O'Clock High, they've got a right to explain to the American people irresponsibility, wholesale slaughter of innocents, and a cruel streak a mile wide. And someday they'll have to explain it to God. In the meantime, they can tell us any time they want to lay aside their hypocritical and increasingly lame excuses.
A word on the title: Ann Coulter is pointing out that the Democratic Party has already cast aside the gun-controllers and the welfare addicts, the former after a comprehensive assault-weapons ban cost them control of Congress, and the latter after Bill Clinton signed equally comprehensive welfare reform into law. Though Clinton won the next election, he did not dare try to revoke welfare reform. Result: a permanent break in the cycle of dependence for a lot of welfare families. And the transform of most members of those families into productive citizens.
And now, many columnists on the left are swallowing their gorge and telling the Democrats to lay off defending Roe v. Wade. As well they should, if they were smart, anyway. First, the court in Roe used a legal theory that was every bit as flawed as that in Scott v. Sandford (that's Scott as in Dred). Second, even Jane Roe herself has recanted and sought a reconsideration of her case. Third--and here is something that Ann herself missed, though others have caught it--if the Democrats' constituents keep on having abortions, then Republicans' natural constituents will out-breed them and then out-vote them forever. Arguably, this "Roe Effect" has already decided a Presidential election--the last one. And fourth--more people are now realizing that the earliest feminists--the ones with whom feminism began--regarded abortion as a nefarious anti-woman plot. And they're beginning as well to understand what Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony were talking about!
As Lee and George make clear, Prof. Singer (the same man who said that a mother ought to have a month's grace to decide to kill her newborn infant if she so desired) tries to equate each cell of our bodies with a human embryo--or most likely a zygote, which is the single-celled stage of an embryo. The trouble is that body cells are more like gametes--commonly called sperm (literally, "seeds") and eggs--than like embryos. The distinction is important: a sperm cell or egg ceases to be in the formation of a new being, while an embryo simply is. The embryo comes into being through fertilization and continues to develop until birth, never ceasing to exist at any time.
And by the way: though Lee and George never say this, they have written not merely an answer to Peter Singer, but also to Michael Schiavo, Jodi Centonze Schiavo (yes, he and Sweet Patootie got married over the weekend), The "Honorable" George Greer, the Hemlock Society, and everyone else who says that Terri Schindler Schiavo essentially lost her rights when she lapsed into a coma. If we accept the Singer view, then we kill a person, legally as well as clinically, when we put him under general anesthesia (for what is anesthesia, after all, but a controlled coma?), and the whole notion of therapy of patients in coma, reversible or not, falls to the ICU floor.
This goes to one of my main objections to current trends in church music. "Contemporary Christian Music" is neither Christian nor musical. Most CCM artists, in fact, look no different from American Top Forty artists.
The pastor of this church is doing everything wrong:
This whole dust-up reminds me of the Strange Fire Incident, in which the two elder sons of Aaron got zapped after they got drunk, took coals from a fire other than the brass altar in the Tabernacle enclosure, filled their censers (incense burners) with them, and--capping audacity and impudence--entered the Holy of Holies and sprinkled incense on the hot coals in the presence of the Ark of the Covenant. God doesn't answer this kind of thing with a zapping today, but that's only because God does not show Himself in all His glory to any but the dead. But that does not mean that we ought ever to be remotely as disrespectful to Him as were Nadab and Abihu, the foolish sons of Aaron who were turned to ashes for their tom-foolery. Think about it--does "Christian rock" rise to the level of strange fire? I think it does. And yes, that makes it worse than the specific trespass of disturbing the neighbors.
If any of you reading this is a user of cocaine or marijuana or any other such drug, think about this before you toke up next time. Better yet, if you're a Senator or Representative, take this as another indication that we need to secure our border. This will mean, at a minimum, clearing military personnel on this side to stop staying a mile away from the border and get in close and do battle with the Federales if they have to. Nothing would better demonstrate to Mexico that we mean business than taking a few prisoners-of-war.
I never can get straight who the un-named "analysts" are, who in this case predict that Canada will hold new parliamentary elections in two years. My guess is that the Conservatives will form a coalition with the Bloc Quebecois. ("I am confident! I vote for the Quebec Party!") My advice to new Prime Minister Harper is to strike boldly and give people a reason to return him to office--with a majority next time.
Read Chuck Colson's commentary--you'll find it very instructive, particularly about the use of Christian as bogeyman by Democrats hoping to raise campaign cash.
Last summer, the Pope pointedly refused to characterize Islam as a religion of peace, as President Bush has done. Now we hear that His Holiness actually said that democracy goes against the Koran, and therefore Islam and democracy (or republicanism, which is not quite the same) can never mix without fundamentally compromising one or the other.
But the Pope got one thing wrong in that conversation last fall. He said that Christianity has an "inner logic" that permits its reinterpretation in modern times--in other words, its adaptation to secular trends. That is absolutely, positively not correct.
What is correct is that Christianity was itself the greatest liberator and protector of the dignity of women in its early days, and its principles are far more woman-friendly than those of Islam ever were. That might not seem true to those, men and women alike, who want to jump off the deep end without checking to see whether the pool even has any water in it. But sober reflection, and careful reading of Scripture (and comparison either to life without restraint or life under the stultifying restraints of Islam), will reveal that under Christianity, men and women alike get the best deal.
What might have confused the Pope is that nothing in the Old or New Testaments forbade the emancipation of slaves, or the establishment of forms of government other than monarchy or tyranny. Jesus will be the Greatest Monarch of all time when His Millennial Reign begins, but until then, Christianity is entirely compatible with a republic--and even a republic that does not establish any particular church. And the advice Paul gave to masters and slaves could apply equally to employers and employees.
This is still the best understanding that any Pope since Urban IX has had about the true nature of Islam, and its fundamental incompatibility with the human spirit.
This abrupt mid-season cancellation follows the announcement of the non-renewal of The West Wing after seven seasons. Rush Limbaugh had already observed that show after show depicting liberal ideals, such as they are, is failing.
Remember: you read it here, and at WorldNetDaily, first.
And small wonder, if he keeps insisting that he is paving the way for some five-year-old time-traveler from the past.
When called on it, the teacher said that he was joking around. Sorry, teacher, but no teacher does a thing like this even as a joke.
The boy's mother wants him to have another go at the midterm exam. I should think so--and I should also think the teacher involved should consider himself fired. Enforcing discipline is one thing--but creating a discipline problem by your own conduct is quite another.
I have held off this blog entry to avoid spoiling things for devoted fans of the show--at least until it becomes common water-cooler conversation. But now I'd like to make a comparison that even Mr. Buchanan missed:
Emotional at the death of the president he loved, for whom he had often risked his life, Jack returns. He is intercepted and almost killed by the team that murdered Palmer. Wounding the leader of the terrorists, Bauer interrogates him, warning the bleeding man he will die unless Bauer helps him get to a hospital. The terrorist talks.I'll tell you what that reminds me of--King David, before he became King of Israel. David had a Jack Bauer moment, when he had before him an Amalekite who killed King Saul on the battlefield. Bear in mind that Saul and David had little love lost between them--except that Saul had gotten the ceremonial oil treatment prescribed by God Himself for kings of Israel, and David respected that. So when he had someone before him who admitted to killing Saul, he asked him whether he really thought he could get away with killing the Lord's anointed one--and then ordered his immediate execution.After he spills all his information, Bauer starts to walk away. The terrorist demands to be taken to the hospital.
Were you the one who shot President Palmer? Bauer asks. Yes, replies the wounded terrorist, in agony on the floor. Bauer stares at him for two seconds – then shoots him.
As Buchanan admits, 24 is escapist action-adventure fare, and probably unrealistic. But Mr. Buchanan also observes that this show's ratings are consistently high--and I've noticed that several prominent conservative talk-show hosts swear by the program. I think I know why.
Jack Bauer represents the sort of hero that has always captured the imagination of those who love their countries: the troubleshooter, or blunt instrument, having a license to kill at discretion when fighting what is at bottom a secret war. More than that, everyone understands the enemy--everyone, that is, except those who think that America itself is the enemy of mankind.
Well, well, well. Are those roommates willing to let the HR department into their bedroom to that extent?
Organizations everywhere could save a lot of trouble if everyone went to portable Health Savings Accounts in lieu of joining the company HMO or going to the company's preferred providers. Then your relationship with your roommate wouldn't be HR's business. But instead...!
And in this case we have a special problem: this is a university. An institution of higher education. What an example to set for the students--that turning homosexual or bisexual is now the ticket to a health benefit.
Parents, take heed. You might want to send your kids to an explicitly Christian college, one that perhaps enrolls everyone in an expense-sharing plan like Medi-Share.
Deeds, not words, Senator.
McCain also, to his credit, said that this country needs to start building nuclear reactors again in order to achieve energy independence--that is, not having to import fuel from other nations.
McCain doesn't always go far enough, and even this time he might have said that the real problem is that we've gotten too far away from the spirit of the Constitution. Sorry, Senator Robert C. Byrd (D-WV), but the latest library bearing a plaque with your name on it does not constitute a "needful building" within the meaning of Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 of the Constitution. Nor do I see it as a law "necessary and proper for the execution of the foregoing powers" or any other power granted to the government.
Sadly, time sanctions all thefts--and highly informal means of amending the Constitution.
I suppose everyone remembers where he or she was when Challenger blew up a little over a minute into launch because of a failed O-ring seal on a solid-rocket booster. Then, nearly three years ago, Columbia broke up and burned up on re-entry because of unsuspected damage to its wing on take-off. (What do you do when you're on a flight that, in effect, has already crashed?) The astronaut reminded us of another key failing: that the shuttle has no powered launch-escape system, like the one on the venerable Saturn C-5 (which was never required in all the Apollo years).
The Guardian piece is very short on the other things wrong with the Shuttle. But I can add a number of things to it, leading with its off-center (technically, off-axis) thrust on blast-off, because of the way the shuttle is mounted on the back of a fuel tank.
The irony of this whole thing--including the multibillion-dollar price tag that keeps mounting up for a fleet that is still grounded--is that the shuttle is really not all that great a launch system. It can put only 28 tons into low-earth orbit. To put that into perspective, the old Saturns could lob 110 tons into LEO--and if we still had the Saturn, we could have finished the International Space Station years ago.
Which is why, right now:
Behold the logical result of the sexualization of children, and the creation of a "youth culture" devoted to sex. Inevitably the Humbert Humberts began to prey upon impressionable Lolitas. Then, following the feminists' advice, the older women started taking advantage of the younger boys. (And that is so easy. Boys will generally welcome any such liaison as a "score" in the game of life, not realizing how warped they are until years later. And when I think of how Mickey Rooney gave this subject such a light-hearted treatment in his movie, Andy Hardy Gets Spring Fever...!)
So now add sexual sin to the latest harms that a kid can face in school. All the more reason to send your kids to a Christian school, or home-school them.
So the creator has started a new blog to save his show--and the Episcopal Diocese of Washington is his host! That speaks volumes about the Episcopal Church. Now the world may know why, for example, I left it a long time ago, and why I am not waiting for churches to find themselves walking out of their beautiful, stained-glass-windowed buildings and meet in rented auditoriums and storefronts. That any element of the Episcopal Church would have anything to do with this blasphemous show, shows you that they are thoroughly worldly.
But what can one expect of a church that consecrated an openly homosexual bishop? Or for years tolerated bishop after bishop, from Otis Pike to John Shelby Spong, who swings at the foundations of the faith with a pick-ax?
Thank you, no. I'll read the book by the other Daniel.
UPDATE: Someone named Jim Naughton, representing the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, specifically denies hosting any blog created by Jack Kenny. However, I quote the article in the Winston-Salem Journal:
Jack Kenny, the creative force behind the prime-time drama about an Episcopal priest and his dysfunctional family, posted his appeal on a blog,, whose host is the Episcopal Diocese of Washington.Also, I would like the Bishop of Washington, or his accredited representative, to be good enough to explain why a legend reading "From the Episcopal Diocese of Washington" appears on the header of that blog, and why the domain name "" resolves to "", if the Diocese did not decide to host it. I respectfully suggest that if the Bishop of Washington has any quarrel with anyone, then it might--I say again, might--be with Jack Kenny for representing the EDOW as his hosts. However, the domain-name resolution leaves the Diocese of Washington with a great deal of explaining to do.
I will gladly correct any error I make. But when my research produces facts that are at variance with someone's complaint, then the complainer must explain the discrepancy, and I don't care who it is. I cannot--no journalist could--operate any other way.
UPDATE II: As I was editing the above, and trying to iron out exactly what the EDOW was trying to tell me, Jack Kenny posted another message on the blog, admitting that The Book of Daniel is now cancelled. Herewith the message:
My thanks to Kat, who spotted this message from Jack Kenny on the NBC homepage.With regard to Jim Naughton's protest earlier today: if Jack Kenny did not create the blog, then who did? Did the Episcopal Diocese of Washington create it themselves? If the Bishop of Washington thinks that I think any more highly of him upon learning that the decision to create a blog on a frankly blasphemous television show came from him or any member of his episcopal staff, then I hereby inform him that he is sadly and dreadfully mistaken.Unfortunately, due to many reasons, "The Book of Daniel" will no longer be aired on NBC on Friday nights. I just wanted to say "thank you" to all of you who supported the show. There were many wonderful, talented people who contributed to it's success - and I do mean success. Whatever the outcome, I feel that I accomplished what I set out to do: A solid family drama, with lots of humor, that honestly explored the lives of the Webster family. Good, flawed people, who loved each other no matter what... and there was always a lot of "what"! I remain proud of our product, proud of my association with Sony, NBC Universal, and NBC, who all took a chance on a project that spoke to them, and proud to have made an impact on so many of your lives.
Thanks for watching.
Jack Kenny
Creator, The Book of Daniel
And about The Book of Daniel itself, I say: Good riddance to bad rubbish. I never watched it, and after the accounts I heard of that show, which not one person ever contradicted, I consider that I missed nothing that could possibly have built me up. That show did not build up; it tore down. I shudder to think of the "impact" that the show had on anyone's life. If I wanted to contemplate the depths to which the Episcopal Church has sunk, I needed no dramatic presentation beyond Tennessee Williams' play, The Night of the Iguana, later made into a motion picture of the same name starring Richard Burton, Deborah Kerr, Ava Gardner, Sue Lyon, and Grayson Hall. And at least Tennessee Williams did not dare suggest that Jesus Christ Himself would have approved of the debauched condition, and ultimate surrender to the mire, of "The Rev. T. Lawrence Shannon." And that character was a very paragon of virtue compared to "The Rev. Daniel Webster." Shannon at least had enough honor to recognize when he was no longer fit to be a minister of the Gospel. Daniel Webster, who violated every condition for the ministry laid down by Paul to Timothy (I Timothy 3), never admitted the same in his own case.
So when he hears that the Canadians, who are voting today, might return the Conservatives to office (as the American People returned the Republicans to control of Congress in 1994), he takes alarm. Says he:
Oh, Canada -- you're not really going to elect a Conservative majority on Monday, are you? That's a joke, right? I know you have a great sense of humor, ... but this is no longer funny.Hey! Let's have a pity party for Michael Moore!First, you have the courage to stand against the war in Iraq -- and then you elect a prime minister who's for it. You declare gay people have equal rights -- and then you elect a man who says they don't.
Gumming up a war of civilizations to justify your own inaction in that war is no act of courage. It is the worst sort of cowardice. And marriage is not a right, but a privilege that inheres in the male-female relationship, not male-male or female-female. (Not to mention that we have only Michael Moore's word on the positions of the Conservative party leader.)
Read the article--both of them--for yourselves. John Spencer knows what he's talking about. The information on the Shi'a Mahdi comes from the Wikipedia.
Many people surmise that one of the reasons we haven't been attacked here, is because they are being so successful at doing what they need to do to attack us in Iraq and elsewhere.And he a United States Senator. Three cheers for the World's Most Famous Deliberative Body. And one cheer more for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, for sending such a blithering idiot to the Senate.
When you begin to disregard the sanctity of life at one stage, that basic philosophy will begin the erode the sanctity of life at other stages.
In related news, Michael Schiavo and his Sweet Patootie have applied formally for a marriage license.
BTW: apologies for the hiatus in blogging--BlogSpot has had to fix some problems.
The First Amendment says,
Congress shall make no law...prohibiting the free exercise [of religion].Yet Article III, Section 3 of the Constitution says,
Treason against the United States shall only be defined as levying war against them, or adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.So when someone says,
Fight and slay the infidels wheresoever ye find them [Surah 9:5]that, sportsfans, is tantamount to treason.
The site Congress Debate Koran features news of the latest atrocious acts by militant Muslims, plus a link to petition the United States Congress, and the General Assembly of the United Nations, to investigate Islam as they ought. I urge everyone to sign.
And by the way: I eat pork chops at least twice a month, and am quite prepared to lay down a cordon of bacon grease around my house.
Sean Hannity has said numerous times that that is where Saddam's weapons of mass destruction are to be found. Now we have direct evidence from a credible investigator. (I also commend Mr. Maaske for giving Michael Moore a taste of his own medicine.)
Where now is the Democratic/MoveOn/liberal case against prosecuting a war in Iraq? Should we have left that situation in place? I don't think so.
UPDATE: Here's more evidence, from a former intelligence analyst. He has Saddam caught on tape! Anyone who flies in the face of evidence like this is a maniac.
To put matters into perspective: Mr. Crawford ia a left-leaning vegetarian who has in the past expressed great fear of conservatives, as his bibliography makes abundantly clear. So anything he says about Christian education, or about someone who went through it and wasn't too happy about it, we must take with a few milligrams of sodium chloride.
That said, let us look at the criticisms that Miss Rosen makes, as Mr. Crawford summarizes them:
But what can one expect of a left-leaning vegetarian? If you still believe that "God is a Moderate," think again.