Friday, April 28, 2006
WorldNetDaily: Poll: 3rd party scores with border backlash
Some historical perspective is in order, and the Republicans ignore this at their extreme peril. The Republican Party began as a third party! Back in the days of Franklin Pierce and James Buchanan, the two major political parties were the Democrats (the same Democrats as today) and the Whigs. Then along came the wedge issue of slavery. Guess what: the Whigs ignored it, and the Democrats at the time were the party of slave-owning planters. Result: nothing got done, and the issue simmered.
Then came the US Supreme Court's God-awful decision in Scott v. Sandford--the "Dred Scott Case." Dred Scott tried to show that, since his master had taken him to travel in "free territory," he became a free man under the terms of the Missouri Compromise. The Supremes responded by throwing out the Missouri Compromise as unconstitutional. CJ Roger B. Taney had the execrably bad sense to declare that a man born a slave would always be a slave.
Well, that did it. A young lawyer named Abraham Lincoln declared, "A house divided against itself cannot stand!" He ran for President as a Republican and got elected. Republicans have been a major party ever since; the Whigs disappeared, not even waiting for legions in blue and gray to grind them into the dust.
Today, the spectacle of unlawful entrants into this country trying to re-fight a war and reconquer territory they consider lost to them is the Dred Scott/Missouri Compromise issue. Neither party wants to address illegal immigration. Democrats want extra voters; Republican-friendly businessmen want cheap workers. (I still say that you get what you pay for along that line--but that's another topic.) And while private landowners might possibly take border fencing matters into their own hands, Scott Rasmussen has asked the salient question: might a third party supplant the Republicans while campaigning on dealing with illegal immigration as it ought to be dealt with? The answer is yes.
Republicans, take heed. You were a creation of the spectacle of voters fed up with two major parties ignoring their issues. That force can destroy you just as readily.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Professor and Pro-Abortion Students Charged in Destroying Pro-Life Display
Well, now he has. Prof. Jacobsen, and those of her students who took part in the trashing (six identified so far, and maybe more to be identified later), are charged with criminal mischief and theft by unlawful taking, both misdemeanors. (That last charge needs an explanation. In short, you may not take down a political yard sign or similar sign just because you don't like the message, and you may not take anything from a public display without first asking permission. That is the misdemeanor offense of theft by unlawful taking.)
And to top it all, Prof. Jacobsen is charged with criminal solicitation, for putting the idea into her students' heads.
Her proposed defense will be that an act of vandalism against a political display with which she disagrees, and which, furthermore, she regards as harmful to the body politic, is not and should not be against the law. So now competing demands of free speech will get an airing in a court of law: whether, in essence, a person who says something that another person finds obnoxious is protected against arrest, trial, and indictment by the authorities, but is not protected against a punch in the nose by the one who found his saying obnoxious. Sorry, Professor, but the way I read the law (although IANAL), the law never excuses a punch in the nose, or the tearing up of an approved display, for no better reason than that you got angry with what the other person, or the display, said. Every person who ever wished that he could punch somebody in the nose and get away with it, and every person who ever said something obnoxious and then felt that he had to duck and run, ought to take an avid interest in this trial. For that matter, every student of the code duello should follow this trial. This issue goes far beyond the immediate political issue (whether abortion ought to be lawful or not) and now touches on certain bedrock principles of civilized behavior.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
WorldNetDaily: Baptists: Plan exit from government schools
They would do better to join the Independent Baptist Fellowship of North America and invite all like-minded folk to do the same. The reason: the SBC is not the committed conservative organization that it is now pretending to be. That's why the IBFNA exists--because we are the remnant willing to hold fast to the Bible and what it commands, no matter what anybody says.
That said, their position is not only sound, but is in fact the only sound position one can possibly take as regards government-run schools--at any level.
WorldNetDaily: 'Marketing of Evil' locked out of college libraries
WorldNetDaily: What bin Laden's saying: It's all-out war on civilians
Once again, I renew my call for a Senate investigation of Islam in the USA.
WorldNetDaily: Citizen-built border fence gains steam
These links have more information:
Folks, this is something practical that we can all support, and all within the tradition of irregular militia that the Constitution itself says is "necessary to the existence of a free State."
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
WorldNetDaily: Confirmed: Tony Snow new Bush press secretary
And frankly, I can't think of a better man for the job. Scott McClellan, bless his heart, was starting to get on my nerves, sounding like a big spin machine. Tony Snow will at least be better able to handle himself before, say, Bill O'Reilly. (And yes, Helen Thomas, but who cares what she thinks, outside of Helen Thomas herself?)
Monday, April 24, 2006
WorldNetDaily: Freshmen required to undergo homosexual indoctrination
WARNING: the descriptions given here verge on the graphic and are definitely unsettling. PJADAA--and keep some bicarbonate of soda handy while you're at it.
OpinionJournal - Yale Out of One Crisis and Into Another
But now Yale is going to do something stupid that will wipe out any kudos that it might have earned. They're going to hire Juan Cole, Professor of History at UMich, as a professor of contemporary Middle East studies. This although he has done almost no scholarship on the Middle East past the nineteenth century. In fact, he's more blogger than professor--and his blog is one incoherent rant after another.
The Ivy League is in bad enough shape when it hires more polished propagandists to lay their propaganda on captive audiences. When they hire people who pass off rants as "informed comment," they've sunk to a new low.
Sunday, April 23, 2006
WorldNetDaily: Duke scandal 'perfect storm' for 'race hustlers'
If these young men were black they would be treated with kid gloves; if the victim was a male this case would be laughed out of court...DNA tests have failed to connect these boys to this alleged crime; yet their mug shots are plastered in the media as if they've already been found guilty. Where's the photo of the alleged victim?I'll offer only one qualifier. I don't think those two boys who got arrested are guilty of anything more serious than earning a reputation for bad behavior (Collin Finnerty once slugged someone for no good reason in Washington, DC), and association (by virtue of their membership in the team) with the idiotic team captains who hired those ecdysiasts to begin with. Obviously The Rev. Mr. Peterson has at least as many doubts about this case as I have. But boys who hire exhibitionists--or prostitutes--aren't exactly innocent, even if they are not exactly guilty as charged.
MEMRI: Yemeni Reformist Writer Urges Muslim Women to Take Off the Veil
I take issue, however, with statements like these:
The second argument is based the premise that there is a connection between wearing the veil and the establishment of a good society. According to this logic, a good society is one in which no intimate relations take place out of wedlock. However, this premise is at best mistaken, since, as a matter of fact, the societies that mandate the wearing of the veil and insist on segregation of the sexes are not those in which sex out of wedlock is least common.I find that statement slightly confused at best. And as a Christian, I also object to "intimate relations" out of wedlock, and to the public display of one's body in a fashion that would excite sexual tension in an onlooker. Indeed, Dr. Mane'a, in the end, still accepts the premise that any women's fashion statement other than the full-body covering constitutes immodest, and even deliberately sexual, display. Even Mennonite and other "plain Christian" sects do not practice the kind of extreme covering that Muslim hijab represents--and no one ever accused a Mennonite woman of trying to excite a man's lust while she was wearing traditional Mennonite garb.
WorldNetDaily: Islamist protest in N.Y. – 'Mushroom cloud on way'
Boasts about mushroom clouds over Israel weren't all. They also boasted of flying a green crescent-moon-and-star flag over the White House.
So much for trying to dissociate Islam from terrorism.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
WorldNetDaily: 'Fiddler' 9-11 spoof wins anti-Semitic cartoon contest
Ladies and gentlemen, no one--and I mean no one--is better at self-deprecating gallows humor than Jews. If you want proof, I could cite the play Jewtopia.
The story of a Gentile who wants to marry a Jewish that he will never have to make another decision.And now we have this contest. Take a gander at the prize-winning entry and the honorable mentions. They are priceless!
And they illustrate another home truth: sometimes when someone wants to be insulting, you throw the insult right back in their faces. Kudos, guys, and mazel tov.
Friday, April 21, 2006
College Abortion Vandalism Continues, Princeton Pro-Life Display Trashed
A pro-life student group estimated that 347 fewer students were available to come to Princeton this year, because their mothers aborted them. Abortion-happy students took exception to that and pasted their own message over the original. And what a tasteless message:
Support smaller class sizes: support abortion.And this:
347 rusty coat hangers were saved from mangling and mutilation.Ah, ahem! I happen to know of a number of women who came out of abortion mills in the 1980's and landed in the pulmonary critical-care facility where I was serving as an extern at the time. So don't talk to me about the relative hazards of "legal" versus "illegal" abortion.
Besides that, this shows that speech on a typical university campus is "free for me but not for thee." But what do you expect from people who spit on Christianity? They also spit on the Golden Rule, and clearly they don't follow it.
WorldNetDaily: YMCA warned to vacate Hamas town
Irony aside, this really does go to show how radical Hamas really is--and what Islam really means.
WorldNetDaily: Osama alive, well, armed with nukes
The allegation is that Osama bought his nukes from Russia. Whether they would still detonate or not remains an open question--after all, warhead material is radioactive and subject to decay. But we can't take that chance. We have to find him now--and we also have to build those off-shore inspection stations that we heard about during the Dubai Ports World debate.
Professor Who Trashed Abortion Display Attacks Pro-Life Advocates in Email
Happily for those students, the county prosecutor is not likely to charge the students. He'll save his fire for the professor. Which is as it should be--but those students need a good shaking-up so that they would never do something as foolish as this ever again.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
WorldNetDaily: University rebuffs 'gay' profs, warns librarian not to retaliate
In this letter, Mr. T. Glenn Hill of the Human Resources (read "Personnel") Office told Mr. Savage that:
- Merely recommending a book does not constitute sexual harassment, even if the intentions of the complaining professors were good.
- Everyone needs some anti-harassment and anti-discrimination training--and one of Savage's three accusers is named as a possible "liaison person," a role that Mr. Hill does not specify nor describe in anything close to sufficient detail.
- Mr. Savage had better not retaliate in any way against any of the three original accusers.
This communication is highly suspect for several reasons. First, asking one of the three accusers to "liaise" for the development of anti-harassment training is like asking a fox to join a summit called to address henhouse security. It is also a bait-and-switch. Yesterday the campus dean told the faculty and staff that they all needed to learn how to tolerate other points of view. Now this personnel officer is hinting that Mr. Savage needs training in how to be more sensitive to homosexuals and other non-Christians.
And second, Ohio State cannot make Mr. Savage whole without firing those three professors. Simple justice requires that one who attempts to frame another suffer the very penalty that the other person would have suffered had the frame succeeded. Justice is not served when one of the would-be frame artists is then asked to "train" the very person that he framed.
This is the kind of sick joke that all too many educational and similar institutions play on people after they get into a dispute, not of their making, about fundamental matters of truth. My advice to Mr. Savage, therefore, is twofold:
- Take whatever legal or administrative action is necessary to establish to all and sundry that you are not silent and therefore do not give assent to anyone's right to frame you for anything.
- Leave Ohio State and apply for a job at any of a number of Christian Bible colleges, or perhaps Bob Jones University.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
WorldNetDaily: Lie down with strippers, wake up with pleas
In the wake, not only of the Duke lax scandal but also of the sad death of Natalee Holloway on Aruba, Ann Coulter has finally said what I've been saying all along: that none of this would have happened to those lax players at Duke if they hadn't hired two ecdysiasts. And interestingly enough, Ann also says that if something did happen to the ecdysiast who is now crying rape, it wouldn't have happened if she weren't...well, an ecdysiast.
She says, and I agree, that bad judgment on my part doesn't excuse a crime on someone else's part. But bad judgment is bad judgment. And lately, certain people in the news have shown some of the worst judgment outside of the Darwin Awards.
Best of all, Ann reminds us of the Christian answer to sin: that we can never pay back for it, but Christ made all the payback we need. - Duke Defense Lawyers Say Evidence May Give Arrested Lacrosse Players Alibis - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
Now I have said before that the lacrosse team deserved to have their season canceled, and the coach rated a suspension from his post, after the team hired two women to take their clothes off in front of them. The coach got suspended after one of the players--not one of the two who got arrested--sent a lewd, vulgar, and obscene e-mail, the contents of which no one has released to the public, apparently discussing the accuser in terms that poured contempt upon all women.
But if that prosecutor arrested two men who were not even present--and who, furthermore, have an establishable alibi--then he has let his pandering go to the point of abject carelessness. Frankly, if that ecdysiast is telling the truth--which I doubt right now, but I still admit the possibility that something untoward did happen, beyond her being offered that disgusting gig to begin with--then I would be shocked on her behalf at the incompetence that the county prosecutor is now showing, by arresting two men who were not even on the scene.
In other news, police are searching the two suspects' dorm rooms, and the DA thinks that he can "nail" a third man. This while attorneys representing other lax players also say that the two arrestees were not even on the scene at the time that the attack, if attack it was, took place.
What a mess--and thanks a lot, whoever organized that stupid party! Now two of your buddies are in the slammer and facing years of lockup over something you started. Think about it, boys. Think about it...!
WorldNetDaily: Book-banning 'gay' profs forced to drop allegations
Why she did not immediately (nor, apparently, at the time of the writing of this article) notify Mr. Savage or his attorneys begs explanation. You'd think that anyone involved in a lawsuit would notify the other party's attorneys, even if she didn't want to communicate directly with one who has legal representation. (By ironclad convention, no attorney communicates directly with another attorney's client.)
The game has not ended here. Mr. Savage is still considering legal action against OSU and the three professors who lodged that frivolous complaint. And can any of you blame him? The dean's pleas that everyone "handle...conflict responsibly and with collegiality" ring especially hollow. (I know, because I personally have been involved with similar conflict in which such high-minded words turned out to mean zero, zip, and zilch.)
And, of course, anyone can buy The Marketing of Evil at the OSU-Mansfield bookstore--they never did "ban" the book, though WorldNetDaily's headlines might have given that misimpression. Not only that, but many in the OSU-M community have awakened to the book who might not have otherwise.
Bottom line: three idiots (I use the word deliberately to mean "one in a world of one's own") thought they could shame someone into silence. As a result, they publicized the very thing they hated--and as any author knows, almost any publicity is good publicity, especially on a controversial subject.
UPDATE: Here's another article on this case, from AgapePress.
Kentucky Literature Prof Removed for Vandalizing Pro-life Display
- A group of professors at Northern Kentucky University (NKU) formed a group calling itself "Educators for Reproductive Freedom." They gave a group of lectures on campus, lectures that presented the view that abortion ought to remain legal on demand and without apology.
- A number of dismayed students formed a group calling itself "Northern Right to Life." This group sought and obtained university approval as a student group.
- Northern Right to Life then sought and got approval to create a "cemetary for the innocents," consisting of 400 small white crosses on a campus lawn.
- Sally Jacobsen (presumably a PhD), Professor of Literature, saw the display from the window of a classroom where she was conducting a class. She called a break--I don't know whether this was a regularly scheduled break or not--and, during that break, encouraged her students to "express their freedom-of-speech rights to destroy the display." Indeed she did more than that. She joined them in the vandalism, to the extent of tearing down the sign describing the mock cemetary while her students were pulling up the crosses and throwing them into a nearby trash can. While they were doing this, a photographer from the campus newspaper, The Northerner, took a picture.
- University police, arriving on the scene, notified a dean. Somewhere in the process, someone notified Northern RTL. They came back to campus to retrieve and replant as many crosses as they could. They now plan a vigil--that is to say, a stakeout--to protect the display against any renewed attempt to destroy it.
- And now Sally Jacobsen has been placed on immediate administrative leave and been told to retire from the university.
Finally, when a conservative-themed display comes under attack, the campus cops, deans, and president react as they should. It's good to see.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
ABC News: No Quick Fix to Solve Soaring Gas Prices
An expert with the American Automobile Association says otherwise. At first the company said that he needed a larger dose--so he tried that. It didn't work. Then they said that he needed to drive with the pills for several fill-ups--and then they quit answering their phones.
Disaster and economic hardship always bring out the worst in people. Here is a classic example.
Durham Herald-Sun: 2 Duke Lacrosse Players Charged With Rape and Kidnapping
When I first commented on this case, no one but Rush Limbaugh had asked whether the complainant was lying. But now a number of witnesses are saying that her attitude and behavior at the time were simply not consistent with that of a rape victim. ABC News has a security guard on tape saying precisely that.
Well, now, you see what you get when you descend into sexual sin to this extent? Haled into court by a politically motivated prosecutor, that's where. And this is hardly the first time that members of the Duke lax team have been caught acting like jerks--in some cases, violating the alcohol policy. As I said before, several things about their behavior, on the night in question and before, give one serious pause. Theirs is a tale of bad judgment and a worse attitude--an attitude of contempt for authority, policy, and the law. And that, apparently, is why the coach was suspended from his duties--because the university had warned him repeatedly to discipline his boys and he wouldn't do it. If he had, they might not have hired the ecdysiasts--and if they hadn't done that, two of their teammates might not now be formally charged with rape.
But bad behavior, or even a history of same, doesn't add up to the crime of rape. Neither does the evidence that I have so far seen show that.
The trial of those boys is likely to be a raucous a circus as has any case in the annals of American jurisprudence. A politically motivated prosecutor flying in the face of the evidence--this is classic made-for-TV crime-drama material.
WorldNetDaily: Experts to fact check 'The Da Vinci Code'
WorldNetDaily: Kentucky goes P.C. on B.C., A.D.
What's next? I'll predict what's next: an adoption of the Lagrange Calendar, also known as the French Republican or "Revolutionary" Calendar, and the notations NWE (for New World Era) and BNWE for dating.
The American Family Association has already sent around an e-mail asking people to vote in a poll they have devised. That poll asks whether Congress ought to pass a law saying that AD and BC shall be the law of the land. Now Congress' authority in that regard is legitimately debatable, and some would say that if any State wants to make fools of its authorities and lawful residents, that is that State's business. But the Constitution already speaks of "years of Our Lord" and years of American independence. And that's as it should be.
WorldNetDaily: Se habla entitlement
Ms. Parker also blames Mexican officials--generations of them--for mismanaging the natural beauty and resources of their country. Mexico could be an economic powerhouse if it tried. (Especially with all that oil, but that's another topic.)
Finally, add this to it: Latinos in the American Southwest, especially in southern California, are engaging in the same lawless behavior for which blacks were once infamous. Blacks are improving their reputation now. (Star Parker herself is a case in point, as are Jesse L. Peterson, Thomas Sowell, Walter E. Williams, and the incomparable Mr. Justice Clarence Thomas). Latins are sullying theirs.
WorldNetDaily: More on the OSU/Marketing of Evil flap
To recap: A committee on reading requirements for freshmen entertained several recommendations. After many of his colleagues recommended multiple left-leaning books, including many written (or, I daresay, ghost-written) by former President James Earl Carter, Jr., Mr. Savage recommended The Marketing of Evil and three other conservative titles. One of these other three was a title that I would have thought would have rankled his colleagues worst of all: The Professors, by David Horowitz. That work names the names of those university professors whom Horowitz holds most responsible for destroying this country's culture and institutions.
Add to it that Mr. Savage is a Quaker, one who therefore has a conscientious objection to the use of force or violence even in self-protection. That anyone would take anything he says as a threat is beyond ludicrous, as ADF's legal team makes clear.
Also, check out this comment from Rebecca Hegelin, one of WND's regular columnists.
Monday, April 17, 2006
Muslim Brotherhood Kid's Site Says America Wants to Control the Muslim World
And--oh, yes!--this site also says that murdering children is part of the Jewish faith. Not only that, but they want Moorish Spain back.
WorldNetDaily: 'Marketing of Evil' returns to top spot
CBS 'Wants' Bob Schieffer-Katie Couric Team
Of course, that will make no difference. Aside from Katie Couric's lack of qualifications to do the evening news, the most important thing that CBS needs to change is the content of what it offers as news. But they won't--because they actually believe their own swindle.
OpinionJournal - The Generals War
WorldNetDaily: Illegal-alien activists target Lou Dobbs
Lou Dobbs has become the champion zealot of bashing 'illegal immigration' each night at CNN promoting HR 4437 as the only way of dealing with "Broken Borders" to protect the USA. The only way to stop Lou Dobbs, the raving populist xenophobe, is to invoke 'The Achilles heel: AOL.(That last is a reference to their direct target, which is America Online, since they know they can't target Lou Dobbs directly.)
I say: At first, all I thought that Lou Dobbs had ever done was to tell an illegal-immigrant activist on his show to shut-up the flow of profanity and obscenity he was spewing forth at the time. But this commentary on the Cancun Summit gives a proper perspective on where Mr. Dobbs really stands. Illegal immigration is only part of Mr. Dobbs' beef; the rest concerns a proposal for "economic integration" of the USA and Mexican economies, a prospect that Mr. Dobbs does not think could ever work to the benefit of American citizens. (Truly, I'm surprised that WorldNetDaily didn't link to this--for how can you understand why the illegal-immigrant activists hate Lou Dobbs so much if you don't even report on what the man has actually said?)
In fact, Lou Dobbs had been worrying about illegal immigration and about the "export of jobs" for years. The Wall $treet Journal heaps scorn on him. (Bear in mind that the W$J wants a policy of open borders. I expect them to be the first major media outlet to line up behind the Beast of Revelation when he appears as nothing more than a man willing to crack a few heads to unite the disparate peoples of the world under one government, and one flag. But I digress.) Indeed, four years ago Lou Dobbs made a comment against Islamic terrorism, according to Drudge.
And now he's got some fellow travelers of the Loony Left angry with him. It had to happen sooner or later.
OpinionJournal - Meet Masood Farivar
Saturday, April 15, 2006
WorldNetDaily: Fed-up war widow confronts Sheehan
This war widow has every right to talk. Her husband, who had sired his son before his last deployment and never got to see his son as a result, wrote her on his deathbed and asked her to "take care of the troops." And take care of them, she has done.
And how do you like Cindy Sheehan's response to her? Tell me this: do you tell a widow with a young son that her son will be "fatherless for a lie"? Well, Cindy Sheehan said that.
So now this widow is crashing Cindy Sheehan's pity parties--and a good thing, too.
WorldNetDaily: Librarian attacked by profs for promoting 'Marketing of Evil'
Imagine my surprise when I learn that by "sexual harassment" was meant nothing more serious than recommending a reference work to new students at the university.
The book is David Kupelian's The Marketing of Evil, which is all about sexually oriented messages, given the Madison Avenue treatment, and how these might be contributing to the disgusting spectacle of teachers having affairs with students (said affairs being overwhelmingly heterosexual, but with some homosexual affairs thrown in). And the three professors accusing him are all men! The twist: these men are homosexual, and they automatically assume that The Marketing of Evil speaks out against people like them.
First, have they even read the book? Or are they relying on an account that springs from someone's fevered imagination?
Second, since when is recommending a reference work an act that creates a hostile work environment? I should think that The Marketing of Evil would have the opposite effect--because what I saw represented to me as sexual harassment in the training I got (see above) is pretty disgusting, and the sort of thing I would not permit if I had anything to say about it.
Or are these three professors hoping to sexually harass the new male students, and thus see this work as a threat to their activities?
The article has multiple links, including one to a cease-and-desist letter sent to the university and another showing some of the threatening e-mails that this librarian got--threats he dismissed as inconsequential until those professors actually got the Faculty Senate involved. Here's a sample:
As a gay man I have long ago realized that the world is full of homophobic, hate-mongers who, of course, say that they are not. So I am not shocked, only deeply saddened – and THREATENED – that such mindless folks are on this great campus.Sorry, pal, but a hostile work environment requires demonstrably lewd, obscene, and lascivious remarks, suggestions, or proposals manifestly intended to embarrass, threaten, or annoy a person or group of persons. I see no manifest intent for anything except a toning-down of the sexual tension that has gotten so much Madison Avenue.
The Alliance Defense Fund has taken up this librarian's case. Let's see whether those three have the intestinal, or gonadal, fortitude to risk a lawsuit naming them personally as defendants.
Friday, April 14, 2006
WorldNetDaily: Florida official told: No substitute oaths
That means that the village council has one vacant spot on it, the sitting councillors might appoint a substitute, and Mr. Basil Dalack is threatening to go all the way to the Supreme Court. Stay tuned.
OpinionJournal - The Meaning of Moussaoui
OpinionJournal - The Pope's Easter
With regard to terrorism, Pope Benedict actually stated that the terrorists display "blindness and moral perversion." Evidently he still doesn't want to admit that Islam itself is a terrorists' religion. But he will not make the kinds of mealy-mouthed excuses for terrorism that so many in our mainstream (or, as Rush Limbaugh calls it, drive-by) media have been making.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
WorldNetDaily: Elected official refuses oath
That is not the case, and a federal judge has warned him that he might so find. Supporting the Constitution does not mean supporting any specific policy of any specific elected official--or at least, it does not mean agreeing with that policy.
It might, however, mean not interfering with it--and I wonder whether that's what that town councilman really has in mind.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
WorldNetDaily: Protests backfire! - Lawyer: No DNA Match in Duke Gang Rape Case
Let's review what we actually know:
- Duke's men's lacrosse team threw an after-the-game party.
- To liven up this party, they hired two ecdysiasts--a fancy Greek word meaning one who takes off her clothes.
- One of the ecdysiasts later said that three members of the lax team assaulted and raped her.
- She's black, and the lax team members are all white, except one, who does not stand accused or suspected.
- Since then, the coach has resigned, the lax season is cancelled, and one player has drawn a suspension--for what, Duke won't say.
- The accuser claims that three members of the lax team beat her and injured her. But photographs showed that she already had suffered the injuries when she showed up to do the gig.
- As the article describes, DNA testing reveals no DNA from any of the players on her person--a rather remarkable result if the assault took place as she claimed.
That said, nothing infuriates me more than does a mischarriage of justice. And that is what appears to be in the making. Bad judgment--even disgustingly bad judgment--on the part of those boys does not excuse a county prosecutor pressing a case for political reasons even though the case falls to the ground. And no one, outside of Rush Limbaugh (at the time of this posting), has asked whether that ecdysiast might be lying.
The lesson for all young men is one that they should have learned long ago: don't indulge such an appetite, and you won't get hurt. Right now, I don't think that any rape or assault occurred. But I do mind those boys making jackasses of themselves by hiring those ecdysiasts in the first place.
Bahraini Reformist: "In the Beginning There Was Man, Not Religion"
Almost any reform in the Middle East would be welcome. But I have a problem with sentiments of this sort:
Personally, I am not against religion as such, as long as it is presented as one of the sources of truth and knowledge. But I strongly object to it if it is presented as the only source of truth and knowledge. In the former case, religion constitutes a natural partner in building a culture of tolerance and modernity – whereas in the latter case, it is the source of everything that is absolute [i.e. cannot be questioned]. In the former case, religion is a source of spiritual enrichment and of brotherhood among human beings – and in the latter, it is a source of rigidity and fanaticism, leading to wars and conflicts. In the former case, religion is one of the foundations for building human civilization, and plays a role in its prosperity – but in the latter it is the adversary and rival of civilization.I can just see the Beast of Revelation propounding just that sort of message. Indeed, I hear that message now, in American media, from people who think that conservative evangelical Christians are a problem in American politics.
I have always maintained that the war that ushers in the Beast will be a three-cornered war, among Christians, Muslims, and secularists. This, unhappily, is a secularistic voice. Note carefully: "Personally, I am not against religion as such...but."
OpinionJournal - Climate of Fear
WorldNetDaily: Public school teachers gone wild!
Now I can understand a teacher making an occasional political statement. But a teacher making such a statement shouldn't take up the whole class with it. And if a teacher is going to talk politics in class, then he needs to preface, or at least accompany, his remarks with a disclaimer. Here's my suggestion:
The views expressed by your teacher are my own and do not necessarily represent those of [such-a] State/Commonwealth, [such-a] City/County, [such-a] School District, or this School.Unhappily, that's not the usual course. Instead, we see long, involved multimedia (in my day they called them "audiovisuals") presentations lampooning government officeholders (all on one side), lengthy rants and raves, and worse yet, the offering of class credit for political activity--again, all on one side, and often teacher-directed.
It's enough, as Ms. Malkin wraps up, to consider homeschooling.
WorldNetDaily: Iran 1 step from atomic bomb
Could this be the beginning of Ezekiel's War (chh. 38-39)? Stay tuned.
WorldNetDaily: Homosexual hobbits?
Here again, Hollywood (and Television City) doesn't believe in buddies anymore. In the world of Annie Proulx, the producers of Brokeback Mountain, and now, apparently, Ted Turner, buddies do not exist. When two persons of the same sex care as deeply for another's welfare that each would sacrifice his life for the other (like Frodo and Sam), they must be lovers.
In fact, the Bible is full of buddy pairs. David and Jonathan probably make the most famous buddy pair. Paul and Barnabas were two buddies that had a falling-out. And no one ever suggested that their relationships were any more intimate than that.
Until today.
WorldNetDaily: Author: Shroud of Turin wrongly condemned
Monday, April 10, 2006
Hollywood to Turn Michael's Book on Terri Schiavo Into Biased Movie
Needless to say, this is one movie you do want to miss. Indeed, it's another reason why some of my fellow conservatives have sworn off the movies for good.
Friday, April 07, 2006
Before the Next Sex Scandal - Christianity Today Magazine
The article is all the more valuable because it talks about not only the "before," but also the "after." That is: what happens when someone, clergy or layman, already has fallen into sexual sin? (Hint: it doesn't involve ostracism, except as a last resort. Matthew 18:15-20 lays down that guideline. But it does involve tough corrective measures.)
The Judas We Never Knew - Christianity Today Magazine
My Way News - Senate Vote Shelves Immigration Bill
Democrats and Republicans are blaming one another. But what this article fails to mention is that the Capitol switchboard was totally jammed. (And the reason I know this is that another member of my household was trying to get through, and couldn't.)
Slant alert: you can tell the slant of the article from this quote alone:
leaving in doubt prospects for passing a bill offering the hope of citizenship to millions of men, women and children living in the United States illegally."Hope," you say? Oh, sure--like the "hope" of winning the Irish Sweepstakes! I could as easily have said, "offering the hope that right-thinking and right-acting statesmen will eventually avert a security and cultural disaster."
Ancient Text Shows a Different Judas - Yahoo! News
OpinionJournal - New Time, Same Katie
I've talked about the troubles at CBS for years. First, they talked about signing Diane Sawyer--and I thought they'd blown their gaskets then. Then it was Katie Couric--and I thought their mental state had deteriorated even further. (I still do.) I also thought that she wouldn't last very long before Peter Jennings chewed her up and spat her out--but then Peter Jennings died, and with him passed the era of the avuncular anchorman.
People had doubts that the Katie Couric un-hook would succeed--but it did, mostly because Leslie Moonves was determined. I still remember how I greeted the official announcement. Then I didn't think about it any more for awhile--until...!
And as bad as that is, her replacement at Today is arguably worse. I didn't think it could possibly be. And even when I heard that Meredith Vieira was getting the nod, I thought nothing of it. That was before I heard that she, sent to cover an anti-war protest, actually participated in it.
Bring it on, CBS and NBC. Fox will blow you away.
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Abortion Practitioner Who Killed Girl in Failed Abortion Hits Pro-Lifer With Car
The first is the background. This is George Tiller, MD, who has already earned more than his share of notoriety even among abortion providers. A grand jury might soon call him to testify in the death of Christin Gilbert, age 19, under his "care." As the article makes clear, her family is planning to petition for a grand-jury investigation on a charge, I assume, of manslaughter (a legal term meaning "gross negligence that causes the death of another person").
Separately, Dr. Tiller has earned the wrath of the pro-life movement because of his explicit advocacy and advertisement of late-term abortions. So: yesterday, Mr. Mark Geitzen was outside Dr. Tiller's practice, measuring the driveway to make sure that his pro-life prayer teammates would stay far enough away from it to comply with the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act. The sound of an automobile engine over-revving made him look up. Dr. Tiller, at the wheel of his car, had gunned his engine and was barrelling straight toward Mr. Greitzen. Caught by surprise, Mr. Greitzen couldn't even decide whether to jump to the left or the right. As it was, Dr. Tiller's car, a Jeep Grand Cherokee, clipped Mr. Greitzen in the leg. Dr. Tiller then sped away as far as he could push his car's engine, according to multiple eyewitnesses.
Now let me see: it would seem that Mr. Greitzen could easily sue Dr. Tiller for:
- Operating an automobile in a careless and negligent manner.
- Causing injury by this negligence.
- Leaving the scene of an accident.
Mister District Attorney, I call upon you to do your duty. If you do not, then the country will know that you apply a double standard to the law, and that certain people, who are then and there within their rights, are no longer deserving of the common protections that the law affords against the use of physical violence to settle political or philosophical disputes.
OpinionJournal - The Anti-Kelo
- Hire one single developer, get a plan from him, and then kick everybody out who doesn't agree. That's what happened to the Kelos of New London, CT. It is the egregious practice that the Supreme Court in Kelo v. New London essentially ratified.
- Do nothing.
OpinionJournal - Swing Justice
On the other hand, the best attitude that any Justice can take is not to care what others think. But if you don't really know what to think yourself, you rely on others to think for you. That's Kennedy's problem.
WorldNetDaily: DeLay to file ethics charge against Cynthia McKinney
Striking a law-enforcement officer who is then and there engaged in the lawful performance of his duties is a felony in whatever jurisdiction in which it occurs. That is what Cynthia McKinney frankly admits to doing, and for which she refuses to apologize. (She disputes whether the Capitol Policeman was "then and there in the lawful exercise of his duty"--but Tom DeLay is not the only Congressman who has stated that the Capitol Policeman certainly was.) Even The Atlanta Journal-Constitution decries her acts as arrogant and unproductive. Now you know you're in the wrong, or you should, when your own allies tell you that you are making a "trumped-up charge."
More than that, we now learn that a grand jury will investigate. Now that should prove interesting.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Prof. criticized for overpopulation view
And naturally, the University of Texas insists that "the views expressed by this particular faculty member are his own and do not represent", etc., etc., etc.
Most tellingly, however, Dr. Pianka never once said that he never expressed anything remotely similar to the speech that Dr. Mims quoted him as making. In other words, he never called Dr. Mims a liar. That's all the confirmation we need.
WorldNetDaily: Who's pulling strings of illegal alien activists?
Joe, bless your heart, if that were true, then how do you explain John F. Kerry's execrable behavior in the Election of 2004? An arrogant, pompous ass like that does not run a race merely to lose. And after that performance, you can no longer say, as George C. Wallace did, that "there's not a dime's worth of difference between the two parties."
About the only way to explain why John Kerry ran such an insult-laden, mendacious campaign is that he offended his fellow members of the conspiracy, they determined that they wouldn't let him be President, and he sought to prove that he could be President and run the conspiracy no matter what anybody else thought. In other words, the Election of 2004 was an inter-office squabble on a grand scale.
Otherwise, the Conspiracy Theory of History cannot explain recent American political events--because those events make zero sense in a conspiratorial context.
Revelation tells us that a one-world dictator will, indeed, arise. But the man pulling his strings will be Satan, not some poor human imitator or group of imitators.
OpinionJournal - The Wrong Time to Lose Our Nerve
Men who feel licked are gonna get licked!
OpinionJournal - Islam's Imperial Dreams
WorldNetDaily: Study: Go to church, live 3.1 years longer
In this case, Daniel Hall, MD, from Pittsburgh, PA, found that going to church extends your life to an extent comparable to regular exercise and the taking of anti-cholesterol "statins." (You've seen the ads for at least two of them, which go by the trade names Crestor and Lipitor.) Not only that, but going to church is cheaper than buying statins, and that's assuming that you pay the tithe.
Dr. Hall did not, however, figure out why going to church will extend your life. Well, as a former physician who now attends what might as well be a lay community seminary, I could tell Dr. Hall the reason. When you go to a church--especially a good one--you get regular advice on what you should and should not have on your brain, what should and should not matter to you, and how and how not to live. While that advice is usually short on specifics (except for not soliciting prostitutes and perhaps also, as at my church, not taking alcohol), it consists of general principles that condemn overindulgence and suggest that a person ought to find his happiness in his relationship to God and not in any material possession or pursuit. One who takes that advice to heart tends not to eat fatty foods, and in general to follow a "low-risk" lifestyle. (He probably doesn't go to the movies, either, because of their trashy content, and as a result avoids the fattening and artery-hardening movie popcorn.)
That Dr. Hall is an Episcopal priest makes the incompleteness of his research the more striking. What sort of advice does he give in his church? I am left to believe that at my church, where the advice is rock-solid and often hard-hitting, my fellow attendees are probably living five to seven years longer than they otherwise would.
Monday, April 03, 2006
WorldNetDaily: Jurors: Death for Moussaoui
Now "eligible for the penalty of death" is not yet the same as "sentenced to death." The sentencing phase begins later. The next step: a victim-impact hearing. Considering the kind of testimony that the court will likely take at such a hearing, I am now 99% confident that he will receive a sentence of death.
Not only did Moussaoui convict himself out of his own mouth when he took the stand, but also Khalid Sheikh Muhammad (Al-Qa'ida's J-3, who got caught with his pants down and his passwords written down and accessible in Pakistan) identified as a Manhattan Incident plotter. Given that, his conviction and execution-eligibility finding were well-nigh inevitable.
Blessed Are the Courageous - Christianity Today Magazine
The linked article is basically a plump for amnesty for 12 million illegal aliens, and paints a distorted picture of them. It gives us one anecdote suggesting that all "undocumented workers" are hard workers just trying to make a living. It ignores the spectacle of half a million of these aliens swarming the streets of Los Angeles and declaring war against the United States, with the clear military objective of repossession of the American Southwest by and for the United Mexican States--or rather for a revived Aztec Empire.
Christianity Today wants us to remember whom we're talking about. To which I agree--let's remember. Let's remember that a large portion of these twelve million flouters of our laws do not deserve our sympathy, and indeed deserve our greatest caution.
Forrest Mims speaks out about the wacky scientist
Lexington Herald-Leader | 04/02/2006 | Evolution theory on last legs, says seminary teacher
I am not so hopeful--not because I doubt Prof. Dembski's theories, but rather because I expect "strong delusion" [II Thess. 2:9-10f.] and not common sense, to rule the day.
OpinionJournal - Ivory Tower Stonewall
Full disclosure compels me to reveal that I, too, am a graduate of Yale. I have regarded Yale's current president as a disappointment since his accession to office. He's the one who turned down Sam Bass' grant for courses in Western civilization. And now this.
Thank you, Yale, for my education--and good-bye. That is the only attitude I can take now.
OpinionJournal - Can the Shiite Center Hold?
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Some Doctors Voice Worry Over Abortion Pills' Safety - New York Times
In any other treatment context, when a new treatment kills ten times as many patients as does the old one, doctors shun it. And many doctors are at least having second thoughts. Yet prescriptions of this drug continue--because the taking of this drug is a political act, not a true therapeutic (literally, healing) act.
WorldNetDaily: Afghan convert sheds Muslim name
And so that man once known as Abdul Rahman now will call himself Joel, after the Old Testament prophet of that name, whom St. Peter quoted on the occasion of Pentecost.
WorldNetDaily: Scientists cheer holocaust wish
- Another scientist by the name of Eric Pianka actually said that the human population needs to be reduced to ten percent of present levels, and his favorite method of accomplishing that aim was an airborne strain of Ebola.
- The academy audience burst out in long, sustained applause.
- Why would anyone even think in such terms, much less speak them out loud?
- Why would his fellow scientists applaud him?
But Dr. Pianka, apparently, isn't talking about the Second Coming. He's actually proposing the deliberate murder of nine out of every ten of his fellow human beings.
Mark that down in the be-careful-what-you-wish-for department--after gets through investigating Dr. Mims' story.
WorldNetDaily: Bloomberg: Illegals needed to take care of golf courses
I grow tired of hearing that illegal aliens are a vital piece of our nation's economy. Nation-states who give up their economies to immigrants end up changing in ways that the natives will live to regret. This is especially true in this case, with all those Chicano activists renewing their separatist calls for returning the American Southwest to Mexico.
Mayor Bloomberg, sadly, isn't alone in this folly. Larry Kudlow, who evidently never recognizes a terrorist until said terrorist is holding a knife to his throat, doesn't want to see anyone deported, and totally dismisses the spectacle of illegal aliens asserting that we somehow stole Mexican land. The Wall $treet Journal has never distinguished citizens from non-lawful residents, and clearly wishes that ethnic politics would go away. It won't, until Jesus chases it away when He establishes His Millennial Kingdom. Until then, we fight to preserve our culture from those who know only a culture of corruption and cyclical civil war.
Saturday, April 01, 2006
My Way News - Carroll Rejects Statements Made in Iraq
A cardinal rule concerning public statements is that you never, never, lend credence to any statement made under duress. Duress makes all bargains illegitimate and non-binding.
This reminds me of the gradual release of US POW's from Vietnam (and we still don't know that we got them all back, though that's another story). The repatriated prisoners carefully waited until all their buddies who were going to get out, got out--and then they released a series of devastatingly incriminating drawings and statements testifying to their brutal treatment at the hands of the Communists.
And so it is with Jill Carroll. I never took seriously anything she said while she was in captivity. Today she disavows all those statements, so now we know what she really thinks.
And what she thinks--or rather what she experienced--is that fundamentalistic Muslims are a bunch of lying thugs. So much for religions of peace.